
Фрактал, интересное искусство. А у меня не получается так.

Sure! You can do this! Do as I did. Download JWildfire. If you have challenges, return. We will exhaust the translator. Also, there are forums for the program. Perhaps one is in Russian. Also, JWildfireMini is available for cell phones and tablets.

I once tried to make a fractal))). not successfully. I'll try with this program))).

This is the easiest ever! You will also need Java if on the PC. Most of us start with a random generated fractal and then move things around. Also, the MutaGen feature is amazing fun.

Your English is much better than my (nonexistent) Russian. ;-)

I perfectly know Russian))). I perfectly know Russian))).

LoL I perfectly like your response!

Спасибо). Я старалась). А вот ещё. Захотелось научиться.

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