Hi everyone!

My mom (@TraciYork) suggested I post something to let you know that my official introductory post will be coming at the beginning of the week, I'm spending my birthday working on it (& other social media work stuff)


I hope everyone is having a good weekend & I will see you soon!!


Oh, and It's not much, but for starters - tip!

Hahaha, well welcome to Steemit! I am sure your introduction will be great!

Yay! So happy to finally have your face here on your profile - the emptiness was giving me a sad. pout

As I've said in a billion other places, happy birthday baby! 😊

Is it her birthday Your Majesty?

Yeppers - she turned 23 on the 27th, banana boy. 🍌 😊

Definitely awesome. So awesome, in fact, she ran around all day, singing...

(there's a very good possibility I'm lying... :P )

Yes. No. Maybe. Wait, what was the question? 😉

That her day went Bananas 🍌🍌😁

Thank you again momma! :)

You're very welcome, baby!

Yay!! And you are officially due me a question too :)

Yes! & I have one, where do you want me to ask it?

Steemitbloggers :)

nice...building up some anticipation! Welcome.

Thanks the hope anyway! Thank you! :)

Thank you! I am excited to be here! :)

Welcome @cailliyork!!! Can't wait for your introduction! Which is anytime now. :D

Thank you!! I'm excited to post it, hopefully everyone will like it! :D

Oh, I'm sure everyone will :D

Welcome to steemit and hope you are having a great birthday!

Thank you & Thank you! I did! :)

Oh dear! Welcome to steemit, hope i get to taste from your birthday cake ?? Happy celebration

Thank you so much & Yes! of course! :D

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