in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)

After a few pinned messages, that this blond ignorant mother had overlooked ( sorry @zord189 ) I decided to cover my holiday hotel experience ( @ireenchew Thank you for the idea ) within a blog for the @steemitbloggers Hotel Experience Story Contest.

So thats what My 4 o’clocky is about for today,


We went on a holiday cruise because My parents were married 45 years. We went on a beautiful ship called the MSC MERIVIGLIA and we were away for 10 days. We did the Mediterranean route and loved every minute. I have blogged about that experience in january or February I think.

Its a floating hotel such a ship, and this is the biggest one sailing in Europe. So My experience takes place in the room.... ehh hut. Because of alot off waves My youngest than 6 years old and I became Seasick one evening so we decided not to go to dinner and stay in the room. Laying in the bed was the best thing and looking out of Our window to the horizon. So we did as planned and because the staff on board said try to act normal with eating and drinking. My Son and I ordered roomservice. The menucard was on the bed every day that must have been a sign. Little D showered after we ordered All kinds off Nice things we could eat. I didnt go with him and was going When he was finished and was All washed up sitting in the comfy bed.


I forgot that the roomservice could be quick, so When I was finished showering and came out of the small bathroom to pick My bathrobe from the bed, There he was, Our roomservice attendent!
I started him in the face :
YES @smasssh I said KAK When this occured!

I was so embarrased, but quickly took the robe from the and put it on, it Made me sicker than the seasickness from before. He left as quick as he came and I was floored from embarrassedment.

The day after My naked streaker action we got a towel figure on the bed. I dont know Why he put glasses on the towel animal ..... : MAYBE A SIGN TO LET ME KNOW HE SAW EVERYTHING or A SIGN HE DIDNT SEE A THING BECAUSE HE FORGOT HIS GLASSES 😬😬


Well it was My never-to-forget-naked-blooper which does well on birthdays When I tell.

The cruise was MAGNIFICENT !! Such an treat, a one in a lifetime holiday which I Will never forget.







Thanks for stopping by, its appreciated
And remember Focus on Being creative instead of Being busy !

  • “Consistent Actions Create Consistent Results”
  • “Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer"

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie



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Member off the #steemitmamas #steemitbloggers #needleworkmonday and #payitforward and on Discord

Sources used : My own private stock collection, Google and with others its mentioned in the blog.

I would like to thank all my STEEMIT friends who have been supporting me. Feel free to leave me any feedback.



He didn't even make a picture?
Just askin' ...

Btw, that towel animal has its mouth wide open, so that makes one think he hit the Jackpot ...

i was naked no camera there, and the mouth yes but it looks like ........well an animal... and its not a dog

Wearing sunglasses to hide the eyeballing I guess ...

This post contained some typos in its mentions that have been corrected in less than a day. Thank you for your quick edit !

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Yep I typed to quick you are right changing it now

What the heck? Your kid is kind of crazy, eh? I imagine that was no fun at all. What an embarrassment.

i was soooo embarassed :)

Hahaha you look gorgeous in that dress, Britt!!! What a funny story on your cruise stay lol! :)

Thakx it was Made in Bali

Now THAT brings back memories of the cruises I have been on! I am more of landing and disappearing in an exotic location but with a family and the fact I have a great travel agent in that family (@censina) I have been on a few.


My favourite will have to be the Disney Cruise because it was magical for the kids and we could screw off and have adult time easily with the play club.

Oh! And I also applied to join you on @steemitbloggers as well. Looks awesome.

you did i am going to root for you ... i didnt see

Yes I posted in the @steembloggers bus stop discord 3 days ago but did not receive a direct message. I wonder if anyone is checking there anymore?

Oh YES the bus stop is chequed but not everyone gets a pass , It Will take a few days....... do your steemit thing and be surprised engagement is thd thing 😉

i want to go on the disney one isnt that the black ship?

Hahahah I had to laugh so hard @brittandjosie that's just sooo funyy. I understand it was embarrassing at the time it occurred but it makes a damn good story now! :) Especially the towel next day, the guy has got a good sense of humor! You can't argue on that right?

he had great sence of humor but what was the meaning is he ray charles or what the glasses are a mystery

Hahaha, WHAT DO THE GLASSES MEAN? I’m super interested in what he was trying to convey with that. Thanks for sharing this hilarious story!

me too ... hahahahah he left a hidden message....

Haha. That was funny! I can imagine your face that moment :D. You have a funny memories to remember :D

my face and my yelling hahahaha

You look gorgeous in the evening dress.. I'm sure the waiter heart stopped when he saw you walked out of the shower.. ha ha..
And Yes ! these guys who work in the cruise are taught to do anything and everything to please their guests during the entire stay..
Towel folding decorations is like mandatory for them to learn.

Good luck with the contest

Thank you but the look on All of Our three faces and My Son proud of his food was so akward and the glasses the next day what does he mean?

That towel and glasses thing was a classic by the staffer and your son I would think learned a lesson in this as well. I am sure this story will surface again when you have grand kids and your son is telling the story. You look absolutely stunning in that dress I might say too.

hahahah oh i had to tell my husband the story too hahah he was laughing so hard.
the story is a good one for dead moments on birthdays hahaahah and the dress i love i felt like a million dollars thanks for the compliment.

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