Read the F****** Schedule (Ulog #33)

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago

Read the Fricking Schedule... of course that isn't quite the exact wording, and perhaps more of you know it as Read the Fricking Manual. Today, I managed to almost be completely late for a rehearsal, I blame it on the fact that I've been travelling since 6 in the morning. In fact, that photo above was the beginning of the journey (not counting the part of getting out bed and stumbling out of the house...).

To explain, I'm in the Czech Republic for a project, and my limited language skills don't extend to Slavic languages. So, when I had a quick look at the schedule for the day, I didn't read the address of the rehearsal too carefully as I wouldn't have recognised the street name anyway!

So, I've played previously with this ensemble, and the rehearsal venue last time was at a place just down the road. So, I assumed (assumptions are always a dangerous thing...) that the rehearsal was in the same place... and so I had walked down to the venue, about 30 minutes beforehand as I do, to be ready before the beginning of the rehearsal.

I opened the door, and it was not the right place... Read the Fricking Schedule... so, I quickly loaded up the schedule on my phone, and .... crap, the place would be about 1 hour away by public transport, not including the fact that I wasn't familiar with the metro/tram system in Czech (both the place and the language!).

So, again... it was Uber to the rescue, 15 minutes by car. Which when the car arrived, it would be 10 minutes before the rehearsal. Fine, that would have to do... except when I arrived I was greeted with this...

Sigh... this looks like a place you go to if you wanted to get mugged... No way I was going in there without an escort, one for me and one for my violin!

Well, after calling the orchestra manager, it turns out it was the right place and they led me in. Sometimes, orchestras (and artists in general) have rehearsal venues in disused factories, partly for the cost and the space. It was signposted in Czech, and it just looks terrible in the dark evening.

So... lesson learnt. Read the Bloody Schedule!.. normally I do, and I'm really good at following the instructions that orchestras give me.... but no more assumptions....

Read the Fucking Schedule!

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We have a saying in my country that is roughly translated to "Assumption is the mother of all screw-ups" :D Better luck next time. :)

Oh yes, I am always talking about being careful with assumptions... And then I walk straight into my own trap...

Sorry you had to run around like that. I hope the rehearsal went well after you go in there. Also hope the show if fun. Stay safe while you are there.

Haha... well, it was a self-inflicted problem! The rehearsal went well, and it turns out that I wasn't the only person to have missed the change of venue (and the others were Czech!).

Concerts begin tomorrow, so we see if the preparation was effective!

I guess that's the difficult thing about going to other places. the Language Barrier. At least in the end nothing happened to you.

Hope you have a a great week!

Yes, although more and more the world is easier to travel in... especially if you speak English. Google translate, whilst providing non-professional translations does the job....

Okay, Mr bengy...

It's advice for myself! Everyone else can do whatever!!!!

haha i have been in your place and went to that place in the photo, i would directly leave :P

I was tempted... but in music, reputation is everything...

To be honest, I'm most impressed with their trains and the cleanliness of the station. You may have just caught them at an impressive angle, but they look quite futuristic!!

This is the train station in Den Haag (Netherlands), they recently renovated the station here but it is a pretty decent system in Europe. I really quite enjoy using it if I have time and don't need to fly...

The front train is the fast intercity train, and the one behind is the slower Sprinter that stops at the little towns. If course there are the really fast Ice and thalys trains, but they don't stop at this station.

Way more advanced than Adelaide. We don't have any sort of fast trains, but then again, outs city is quite small, so fast trains would probably be redundant!! I've heard good things about European travel, and would love to experience it one day.

Oh, but fast trains to the other cities would be amazing! It is such a nice way to travel...

Although, probably Australia has too small a population over too much area to make it feasible at the moment. I remember taking the train between Canberra and Sydney, before they dumped it. I lived it, the bus is not quite the same and flying is a pain in the bum!

Yeah, busses suck, and flying is cramped when you're over 6 feet tall. Plus, it's getting quite expensive now, especially when you want to take the kids on a holiday. I guess it would be nice to have some high speed trains here, but I don't think it will happen too quickly. The main interstate passenger lines we have wouldn't like it. They have quite a monopoly on this.

LoL ahh oooooooops XD Glad that ended well and that you didn't get mugged for your violin :D

Ha ha, Yes... It turned out fine this time. On time for the rehearsal and not dead! Wins all around!

Uber, in the Czech Republic: the new universal language. I wouldn't go in that dark doorway without an escort either.
The adventures of Bengy and his violin. I can see a book in this :)

Haha... hopefully the book doesn't have a tragic end!

You should be grateful.

One stop shopping:

Rehearsal, guns, drugs, gambling, etc. in one place!


Glad you got the job done and came out of that place in one piece...

Namaste, JaiChai

Haha!!!! It really did feel like that sort of place!

Oh my gosh. I can totally relate to this. Poets also end up in some weird places. Although, I can't say it's happened to me in a foreign country.

Ah, yes artists of all persuasions end up in areas where the rent is cheap! Before it gets popular and way too expensive for the original inhabitants!

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