Visiting and practicing BJJ at SBF in Dublin, IrelandsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemitbjj6 years ago (edited)

As soon as I booked my ticket to Dublin, I knew that I couldn't leave without having seen the gym of the Notorious Conor McGregor. He’s one of the UFC fighters I like the most, because he’s extremely cocky and makes me laugh when he speaks, but also because he is a great fighter.

Also, I was very curious to see where a pro like him trains and what the facilities look like. I didn’t expect anything out of the ordinary, but I was still very intrigued. For me, it was like visiting an important landmark of Ireland.

Visiting the gym


My brother and sister in law are not into BJJ or fighting in general, but they were being very good hosts and accompanied me to the Straight Blast Gym. As I mentioned in my previous post, I went inside with the pretext of wanting information about BJJ classes. I secretly hoped to catch McGregor during a training session, but of course I should have known that he wouldn’t train during regular hours. That didn’t matter though, because I simply wanted to get a better idea of what the gym of a champ looks like.

While Jordan from the front desk was explaining everything from class hours to prices, I was gazing behind him to check out the striking area.





But when I realized that they actually had BJJ classes every day of the week and that I could join the Monday class, I suddenly started paying attention.

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I didn’t plan on training BJJ during my trip. I didn’t want to travel with my gi as it can be heavy, and I also didn’t want to be impolite to my friends who haven’t seen me in a long time, and tell them I had to leave them to go train. It seems wrong, because I only have a few evenings to spend with them in each city.

When Jordan told me that there was a noon class on Monday which was no-gi, practicing suddenly seemed like a possibility. The day pass was only EUR 20, which I thought was very reasonable compared to other gyms in the US and even Latin America.

I had no gear!

Now I just had to find some pants and a rash guard, and I’d be good to go.

Finding a rash guard in Dublin is no easy task and quite expensive, but I finally found a sports shop that had some diving gear. I bought the cheapest one I could find for EUR 30, and cursed at myself for leaving mine behind.

That’s what you get for bad planning, and I made a note to myself for never traveling without at least a rash guard and my mouth guard, just in case! Thank god my sis-in-law had some good yoga pants which I could use…

The class

When I arrived on Monday, there was hardly anyone there. A lady greeted me at the front desk this time, and 3 guys in kimonos were already rolling. It seemed to be an improvised open mat session, and I wondered whether they would stay for the no-gi class. The black belt in the group turned out to be our professor. His name is Nerijus Gulbinas.

The class started very informally, or at least much more informal than I’m used to. We didn't bow to anyone or line up, we simply started with some warm-up exercises. Since the class was only one hour short, we moved on to drills pretty quickly.

We practiced a drill to free our legs when someone hooks you behind your knees with their feet, and transitions from there to a guard pass technique. I learned a few new things, so I’m very happy about that. It’s funny how each teacher has their own detail they bring to a technique, even if it’s a technique one already knows. Tiny little details can often make a huge difference.

Unfortunately, we were not an even number in the class, and so I couldn’t pair up with anybody and had to wait for 2 guys to let me alternate. I was also the only girl present, and I had a feeling that the guys there were either afraid to break me, or thought they were going to waste their time with me. I didn’t tell anyone that I was already training (nobody asked either!), and I guess everyone just assumed that it was my first class. I did look like that too. I know I don’t have the typical fighter physique, and I wasn’t wearing proper no-gi clothing, which may have influenced their behavior towards me.

The teacher even asked me do you want to try?, as if there was a possibility that I just wanted to watch LOL. Of course I want to try, I responded.

Once I started practicing the drill, the professor realized that I wasn’t a newbie, and changed his attitude completely. He asked me where and under whom I train, and when I mentioned that our academy was under Megaton Dias, he was very impressed. The other guys also gave me more attention. Since it was a no-gi class there were no visible ranks, but I assume that most of us were blue, or already trained for some time.

After the techniques were done we started rolling, and the professor invited me right away for the first roll. Of course, I couldn’t do anything against him, but it was fun to try. He laughed at some of my failed submission attempts and I laughed at the fact that I even tried LOL. We flowed pretty good, and never got stuck in a position.
I notice that I’m making progress in that regard, because transitioning from one position to another comes much more naturally now. I also felt freer and lighter without the kimono, but since I never train no-gi, it limits me with what I can do. I feel a bit lost sometimes without the grips.

After him, I rolled with one of the skinnier guys and that was fun too. We concluded the class with a quick photo. I thanked everyone, and promised them I would be back next time I visit my brother again =)

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the professor is the man standing next to me, second from the left

In retrospect

For me, visiting a new gym is a challenge. Not just a physical one, but more of a psychological challenge. I feel very uncomfortable when I’m the new kid on the playground, and that’s exactly what you are when you visit another gym.

I’m very happy that I did it, and I couldn’t stop smiling afterwards. It made me forget the cold, the stress about work and my back pain for a while. BJJ is always the magic cure for everything.


Thanks for reading, and I’d love to hear about your experience visiting another gym.

How was it? Did you feel intimidated, or not at all?

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Following your posts makes me like this sport, I use to be a boxing fans but I also love watching mac Gregor fight on cable channels.

Woow, I knew this was gonna happen when u've written you're going to Dublin! Hoped to miss the article though, cuz now I envy you soo much :D

@zzuzza, now you know why I want to go to Dublin with you. Maybe could @evecab hint you some nice vega restaurant, so I can go to that gym...for the whole day or so :D

ahahaha you have to go for sure!!! =)

I am very proud of you!

You made me smile while reading the part of them assuming it was your first time, I pictured everything in my head =)

That's pretty damn cool that you got to train there. Gear be damned :) Looks like you had some fun!

yeah it was fun =) Thanks for reading!!!

Wow, great post to read, and that sounds like fun.

I like getting to "play" in other gyms, or run in different cities. I don't get the chance very often, but I agree that you almost always pick up something new from taking a class and being open to new tricks and tips. We are going on vacation in a few weeks and I'm actually so excited to stay on a resort that has yoga classes since I can't ever seem to get around to taking any at home!

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