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RE: @berniesanders got exposed and isn't happy about it! :)

in #steemitabuse7 years ago

I hear ya. I wrote a comment on his post the other day telling him hes doing nothing to remedy the situation with @haejin, just bitching and moaning, creating more problems. As I figured, he didnt respond, just flagged my comment with a bunch of his accounts. It's becoming pathetic. This anonymous reward pool abuse and the supposed fight against it. Time to grow up or shut up


And look at bernie use his own bot to downvote and silence those that speak out against him. Such a fucking big shot hiding behind all his accounts and bots. Makes me sick. I have been vocal in my opposition to @haejin's reward pool abuse and equally as vocal as to the way he has handled it. Looks like his true colors are shining through

Oh, for sure. He's a pathetic piece of shit. lol. You'll find out more and more as you read into it. I mean.. It's pretty clear he's got some mental health issues.. that's for sure. It's like fighting with a child, a very immature, very ignorant, child.. LOL. But soon enough, this little bitch will be dealt with. Keep your head up and don't let his abuse and malicious behavior get to you. I can assure you that he won't be abusing nearly as much in the near future. :) Thanks for your support. Honestly, haejin doesn't "abuse" the reward pool.. He makes legitimate posts and just because a lot of people don't agree with his evaluations, myself included at times, doesn't make them any less valuable. He's producing content of his OWN that's ORIGINAL and even if he isn't right and posts more than SOME people think he should.. That's steemit's issue and the blockchain.. It was designed how it was designed and he could be posting much, much more and promoting it, but he is not. A lot of why he upvotes himself too, is because bernie started the malicious downvoting out of SPITE and nothing more. Even if his upvotes mostly come from one source, which most assume is just another account of his.. So be it.. He's not actually taking away from anyone else's rewards by making a lot for himself.. At all.. The nature of steemit is that any content that anyone feels is "valuable" they can promote, themselves, or by other means. Just because a good handful of people don't see it as having value, doesn't mean that it does not. I think that the posts about vacations and travels are completely worthless and bullshit and who the fuck cares about your shitty vacation? Yet THOSE posts make hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.. Is SOMEONE ELSE'S vacation and their stories about it, worth that much to you?

The biggest problem on steemit right now? People believing that THEIR idea of value is more significant than anyone else's.. Value and worth is OPINION, there is no factual basis as to whether something is valuable or not. I LOVE memes, I value them higher than anything else on steemit.. you know why? Because I could give a shit less about a LOT of people posting about their lives.. but I LOVE a good laugh.. So the problem is that people keep getting butthurt because something THEY don't see as valuable, makes more than they BELIEVE it should. Simple as that...

Yeah he definitely has some problems going on up top and he is abusing the system just as much as haejin. However, I disagree with you from here on out. Haejin might be offering up insight into crypto TA but 90%+ of his rewards are coming from one person and hes taking several percent of the overall reward pool, that just isnt cool. When the disparity between the haves and the have nots gets too big on a platform like this, the system will collapse.

You are right that everythings value is subjective and thats what make the idea of steemit great. But for one person to make over $1000/day while others struggle to make a few cents, and this one guy has all his posts on the trending page, well thats BS too. There are lots of things that need fixing, both these clowns need to slow down and start looking at the damage they are doing to the overall community

My solution?
Hard fork.
Cap on gains per day.
Cap on upvotes per day.
Some may disagree.. but that's the only real way to curb the abuse.
It wouldn't stop it, but it would reduce the amount any given user could attain in a certain time frame.
It would also allow more of the reward pool to be distributed more evenly.

It's something I'm considering..

Lol. Meanwhile, every post I make fucks bernie's abusive flagging bots just a little bit more. :) It's nice to know that he's still using stupid methods to be malicious. I can easily fuck his accounts' voting power again if he leaves it like that. And boy do I love me some vote power fuckings! :)) I've raped his vp more than once and on multiple of his accounts. It's not hard with coded bots. The dumbass thinks I ACTUALLY sit there all day and comment every 20 seconds when I do rape his vp.. LOL he thinks I invest a lot of time into him, when in reality, I just do what he does, just a lot smarter. :)

You can tell bernie is scared of me by how much more he downvotes me %-wise than other people he maliciously downvotes. Go figure, huh? :)

The little bitch is scared of me, scared that I will threaten his ability to gain through abuse, by bringing light to his alternate accounts. :)

My job is being done, well. :)

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