Let’s get original Steemit! -Help Remove the STEEMing Pile of Spam-

Plagiarism and spam is affecting everyone, and will continue to damage the economy unless better measures are put into effect.

The potential of Steemit to disrupt current social networking sites is immense, we know this. Steemit can be THE great place for authors and bloggers to gather to post there content while also receiving a monetized reward. This same reward is also the main recruiting mechanism to grow the user base for the platform while providing an opportunity for any author to gather a following and recognition.

But let’s face it,

This same reward that provides incentives to authors and quality writers is also what provides the incentives for the garbage of the world to emerge. 

This garbage I speak of is appearing in multiple forms and is becoming increasingly more common. Let’s take a look at a couple forms.

1. Plagiarism  

This is by far the worst form. Every single hour, a post or a few, are created that is simply copy and pasted, or manipulated slightly to be considered original.   Now there is the @Cheetah bot, and also a few users that are actively engaged in seeking out plagiarism and flagging these posts. But, I’m sure I’m not alone on this, I have seen many plagiarized posts come out with hundreds of dollars because of whale bots random up votes. Visualization is always better, so here is a great example:


Where @blocktrades had up voted this obvious copy/paste and a couple other articles from this user. In fact this user @lenar  is a serial scammer which is using google translated Russian articles to avoid the @cheetah bots detection and he has been quite successful. Many plagiarized articles have made money for this user, until just recently, where his posts are being massively flagged. 

This is just one example of how plagiarism is affecting the site. There are countless others. Some are bots that rearrange articles and post constantly, others are actual people taking articles and changing some wording.  In any form, Plagiarism is destroying Steemit. Without a good solution, this problem could grow into the beast that causes massive destruction to the platform. 

We don't want Steemit to become known as the site for plagiarism and bot created content. Nobody will want to be here! Unfortunately, more and more users are joining Steemit with more and more plagiarized articles. There seems to be a massive influx of plagiarism since I have joined 3weeks ago, and these same articles are drowning out the users posting original content they put hard work and thought into. 

2.  Non - Relevant Spam postings

Since I have started on Steemit 3weeks ago, I have noticed the massive increase in created postings that are pointless.  Now obviously the value of a post is subjective, and it is just my opinion of their worthlessness. But please, someone explain the value in these posts which are becoming increasingly common.

- Steemit YouTube videos.  These posts have no words and all they include is a video from YouTube that represents another Steemit users posting.  A visual is always better: These are taken as I write from the new postings.



As you can see, both user’s @goriilla and @olakla are posting a video made by the same Steemit user which is available on YouTube. Both these posts were made within 5mins of each other and contain no summary or response to the video basically because it simply has NO words.  

Here is another:


They just keep popping up! 

In my opinion, this is also a form a plagiarism because all these users are doing is linking a video made by a different person. I have noticed that these posts don't really get up votes, but they are flooding the boards with just non-sense posts.

3.  Stolen Pictures in Photography section:   

This is becoming more common, and is harder to detect. I have noticed an increase in flagged photography posts because some users are reverse searching the photos, but one cannot get them all. A picture bot like @cheetah is needed to secure the photography section, otherwise these stolen photos are going to become the norm, and nobody is going to care about the section anymore... This could become a tragedy, because as many of you know, our favorite whale @berniesanders loves the photography section and is our best upvoter!  For the sake of our amazing Steemit photographers, we can't lose

Not only are these spam posts bad for the Steemit reputation, but it also affects every user trying to legitimately use the Platform. Many good posts are being drowned out by the massive flood of it, and it makes getting recognized much more difficult. This hurts the chances of new minnows becoming successful, and will ultimately lead to many users leaving the site and cashing out.

It has come apparent!

 Steemit needs a full time Garbage crew to remove all the Smelly Steeming garbage before it stinks too bad for the common man to survive! Please help support the original content developers by helping remove the Spam. You can join in on the fight and do your part by helping to flag plagiarized content and also petition  @dan and @ned with requests for increased plagiarism bots. Something has to be done!

Thank you for reading and up voting. Comments are always welcomed.


I also noticed a wave of new accounts posting other people's content today... they are just too many, so apparently a lot of new bots are attacking steemit.

Yeah I started noticing all those youtube videos 2days ago. Its rediculus all the bots are able to post content.

This always seems to happen sadly. Good thing I got real original content coming to you all! :)

I'm noticing many posts from people just reading and regurgitating the same stories already found online.

If we dont tackle the Spam on Steem issue together than Steemit will wind up like Twitter and Farcebook

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