Throw-Away-Accounts is a problem - I suggest that in order to be allowed to FLAG a post - the account FLAGGING needs to have a MINIMUM of 50 positive posts and more then 100 SP

in #steemitabuse8 years ago

I see there are a rising amount of "throw-away-accounts" that go on a rampage and flag posts, so I suggest that in order for anyone to use the FLAG, they should at least have 50 Post with a good reputation to their name before that door is opened to them.

I work too damn hard on my posts to have them visually ruined by some asshole-nobody that has a bad hair-day

I did not deserve these flags - and the account flagging me should not have had the power to flag to begin with

Thank you for reading, I hope @ned @dantheman @steemit and everyone who work on the UI of can fix this ASAP.

Throw-Away-Accounts must NOT be allowed to use the FLAG!
Thank You :)

Oh, and just in case you missed my last COMEDY VIDEO THAT I SPENT A WEEK MAKING, HERE IT IS:

Thank you for reading, always follow @fyrstikken for Great Fresh Entertainment right here on Steemit!


I wouldn't use 100 SP as a criteria, remember that Steem is inflationary. I'd rather say that you need at least 30 rep to flag (or some reasonable number).

Edit: I'm fine with a bigger number for rep, 40 or even 50.


I would suggest 40, since all accounts start with 25, its quite easy to get 30 in a day.. Another topic that should be discussed is the flag vendetta from users that simply don't like when you tell them they're wrong

Make it 50.

50 50 we have 50... do i hear 55?

Where's the LIKE button, ya'll! This is hilarious.

I really like the idea of using rep # before being able to flag. However I'd say 30 is easily obtainable in just a few days of using the site. Maybe put it at 50?

I would also suggest that for the future, the account's "age" be taken into consideration. That way accounts less then one day/week old will be able to mass-flag users. Additionally it might also be good to hand out a limited number of flags to a user per day based upon their Steem power.

time is age, YES

I agree. I think 40 rep would be good. That implies some level of curation experience.

Here's another solution:

My suggestions to fix it

When a user clicks the flag button, have a box pop up saying something to the extent of Flagging a post is only for instances of (insert rules here). Unwarranted flagging can result in (insert penalties here). Enter reason for flagging in the box below.

Select trusted users would then be allowed to see who flagged the post, why they flagged the post, and click whether the flag was warranted or not.

  • If only a low percentage of your flags are marked as "unwarranted", then no harm, no foul.
  • If a higher percentage of your flags are "unwarranted" then your flagging privileges get suspended.
  • If you have a highly-accurate flagging history, then you are granted the privileges to review other peoples' flags.

For many moons I've been saying flags should require the flag issuer to give a reason. And now I would take it a step further and say that flags should be eligible for upvotes, which would offer an economic and reputational incentive to flag appropriately, and to hunt for flaggable posts to begin with.

This shouldn't be too difficult, in fact all that has to happen is for a comment (pretty much like any other comment on a post) to be generated containing the reason for the flag. Then that comment can be upvoted. It would probably make sense for such flag comments to be in a separate section at the bottom of the post.

Sounds like we're in perfect agreement with each other. If you want to take part or all of my post that I linked above and repost it, feel free!

It's easy for a quality post (especially from someone new to Steemit like me) to get lost in the abyss of new posts. I think if it were posted by someone with more clout, like you, it would be seen by the right people.

so you want a system where people are punished for voting in a way that you disagree with.

Not at all. What part of my post makes you think that is the case?

Great and hopefully simple proposition.

Accounts really need to "unlock" the flagging ability, even if it's by having a minimum account age, a certain amount steem power, a certain reputation level, or some other mechanism.

On an unrelated note - I really enjoy the content you produce ;)

I think a simple way is just make it the same as the "unlock" to WD vesting steem. I think its like 10X what the system gives you on sign up.

So all they'd have to do is make 3 accounts then right? :)

replying here due to nesting. a really simple fix would be to make flags not count until some critical threshold between positive votes and negative votes is reached. So for example, say 5:1... so if an account had $10 worth of upvotes, flags would be invisible and have no effect until there were at least $2 worth of downvotes. But at $2, the full amount of flag would kick in. This way, users could still cast their negative votes, and they would still count (at least to get the post to critical mass, which is still something) but if they were in a vast minority their vote would be ignored as an extreme outlier.

"unlocking" this type of thing is indeed a great idea. In fact, it might be best to let people upvote flags people give to posts to give them more weight and those whose flags receive a good amount of SP behind them will gain a good reputation for flagging posts that are problematic.

Flagging posts then could be like a curation job, but where you actually get paid to essentially "specialize" in it. :)

I agree with both of you. A sort of "shield mode" until a certain value is needed.

I also thought we used to have a system where someone with a lower reputation couldn't flag someone with a higher reputation. Is that still even active?

I would disagree on this last proposal. "The powerful getting more powerful" is a fatal design-flaw in the site, everything needs to be done in order to restore more balance.

Another probably better option: Make the first 2 flags do not count.
It would help discover plagiarism faster than a shield mode, and zero the rewards more effectively at the moment multiple people would flag.
A the 3rd flag, all the flags (incl. 1 and 2) kick in and the post is put down.

So all they'd have to do is make 3 accounts then right? :)

It has to be something more difficult, but easy for most people to achieve with some positive participation on the platform.

ah upvoted that to soon, the powerful getting more powerful.. not a good thing .. but reputation level is a good one..


great idea for the discussion!
I know for sure, that creates accounts for marking unwanted accounts
in Russian topic on bitkointolk one user reported that it has 900 accounts for all sorts of manipulation (upvoting, flaffing...) on steemit.

He also informed that he would pay for upvoting and flaffing users who agree to its terms and conditions.
sure he is not the only one.
this means that at least a few thousand such accounts on steemit.

Great idea @fyrstikken couldn't agree with you more. We defiantly need something in place to minimise this happening to legitimate accounts putting out great content. Hopefully some action is taken soon, cheers!

Correct me if I'm wrong - but if you are flagged by a 3 steem account, it won't hurt your earnings, will it? It's only a problem if a more powerful account does it.

All this said, you really seem to be the one to have started the flagging war with this guy. Based on the amount of posts, it doesnt seem like a "throwaway" account to me. It seems like a guy who you're attacking. Personally, i can't see anything wrong with his posts that you flagged, and you necver left an explanation.

EDIT: After checking the timeline on steemd, it appears the conflict started days ago with retributive flagging by both ezra cat several users who were going after him, including some well known ones. There was no reason i can see other than simple spite.

Apparently at some point, @ezrathecat flagged one of @fyrstikken posts. @fyrstikken reacted by flagging everything he had ever posted on the site, and apparently getting several of his friends to do the same.

IMO, this reaction is completely uncalled for, low class, and bad for the platform as a whole. @Kyle's comments in at least one of the thread were abhorrent. when you go to check the exchanges and you scratch your head and wonder why no one wants to put money in steem, this is why. Everyone involved in this debacle should be 100% ashamed of the way they conducted themselves.

i don't necessarily disagree that there ought to be some min threshold, but is there any real harm? they can't effect your rep or payout.

This would also help newbies like me who accidentally flag their own posts and then can't figure out how to remove the flag. ....sigh.....
Thanks for the great idea! I really hope it's implemented soon, as the ocean is getting pretty messed up with all the mud-slinging/stirring....

you just click on the flag again... or the upvote button. But it has to be before the payout

Huh!!! Accidentally flag???

The flag are so Huge
How one could miss it??

Sounds like a "False Flag" operation..... maybe that's you're next video/rant @fyrstikken ? Can I get credit for the idea? hahaha, thanks. And I UP VOTED like everyone else should to counter any "YINS" out there.

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