
I know, right?! LOL
I just think it's funny how @berniesanders is so full of shit and how he ATTEMPTS to defend himself when I have a MOUNTAIN of evidence stacked against him.

The first things I saw when I joined steemit on my main account @wellfml was constant back and forth between @berniesanders and @haejin and I noticed that a lot of the reward pool was going towards the feud.. What I decided, was to do ACTUAL RESEARCH and what I found was astonishing. Simple fact of the matter was, bernie posts absolutely nothing of ANY value to anyone and haejin does his own personal analyses of cryptocurrency markets. It was pretty clear to me who's side I should be on, early on. THEN, @berniesanders started using his bots to auto downvote me in attempts to silence me.. but I prevailed. I got the word out to many many people before he was able to even start to stunt my exposure.

What he doesn't seem to get, is, the truth ALWAYS comes out and it will always prevail. Those who know what true abuse is and are willing to do something about it, WILL find a way to combat him. I saw nothing at all wrong with what haejin was posting, I just knew better than to take ANY advice from ANYONE you don't know's evaluations of crypto.. That's just common sense.. Anyone who "lost money" due to haejin, especially those who (supposedly) lost their life's savings and such, cost THEMSELVES that money by taking a GAMBLE in trusting someone's OPINION on what a market will do. Haejin isn't pyschic.. He's not going to be right every time, period. Does that make his posts less valuable? No. They are HIS OWN PERSONAL evaluations and his PERSONAL opinions and predictions. If someone follows a PREDICTION with their life's savings.. They DESERVE to lose it, period, because THEY are stupid, not because haejin "made" them lose money. He didn't make them invest, period. And he HASN'T been wrong as much as people are ATTEMPTING to make it out like he is. Most of that noise is just @berniesanders on his alternate accounts, trying to bash the man's character and put him down. All because he is psychotic and sociopathic and can't handle the fact that someone who's posts HE considers "worthless" and "spam" (I'm pretty sure some people post every hour of the day.. even every 5 minutes...) because he posts, what, MAYBE 10 times a day? On average? It's truly just sad to watch @berniesanders defend his sociopathic ways.. I truly don't get it.. :/

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