Steemit; The Trojan Horse of Information Dissemination

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Having read many thought provoking posts on steemit since becoming a member a week or so ago, I've been gratefully awash with lots of hugely interesting content that I've really enjoyed immersing myself in fully; ideas and perspectives that I have further pondered and processed at some length. It's plain to see that the intellect and creativity inspiring catalysts of quality content in all of this are the steemit platform itself, the creators and the curators. Ok, this, we were in no doubt about, but oh, what a beautiful marriage of minds it is! 

On observing the trends and the community dynamics closely since my joining, I have reached some conclusions that I'd like to share with you. I'm not claiming to have had some kind of unique epiphany here; I'm aware that my findings might well resonate with those of you who have already reached similar conclusions. 

But to sum up my findings; Steemit is Ingenious and I AM a believer.

Now to expand on my evaluation a little -

I believe that as this platform matures and brings further like-minded's into the fold, we will be increasingly able to identify ourselves, both individually and collectively, as actively involved gate-keepers, who are setting the wider eco-system's narrative via quality output and curation of contributions - Here we recognise ourselves as valued members of a community with a purpose, taking pride and ownership in our participation.

We  know the saying - 'information is power'. Well, steemit is the information trojan horse; a truly disruptive breakthrough that will burst the bubble of the status-quo of yesteryear, rife within alternative mediums of media and information distribution; manipulated systems where a 'select few' gate-keepers operate a top down model that sets the agenda for the majority; diluting diversity and bastardizing integrity and quality in the process; effectively sterilizing any potential for organic growth and evolution of authentic intellect and creativity. 

steemit could really be such a powerful force of good against the seemingly infinite mundanity of an all too easily accessible information overload. I believe that the trending feed, for instance, will increasingly reflect the differentiation and distancing between the old approaches that we're sick and tired of and our newer, more exciting proposition. The more people come on board, the more diverse the community and mature the platform will become as a result. These qualities will become more and more visibly resonant throughout the entire steemit eco-system as we move forward. 

My understanding of the technology behind steemit is limited, but as a singer and songwriter, I'm really excited by the possibilities of blockchain based music hosting and distribution. My head spins just trying to imagine what all this could mean for the music industry. I look forward to one day seeing "the blockchain music chart" - as created, curated and valued by a truly discerning audience; one brimming with all sorts of intellectuals, deep thinkers and creatives. 

As with many other mediums out there, music, at least in it's most accessible forms, struggles with integrity and conscience, but I'm hopeful of a brighter future; one where steemit helps to remedy the onslaught of the wishy-washy, throw-away, candy floss for the ears that swamps the airwaves, and in doing so, becomes a great ally in supporting authenticity and soul to flourish within the sonic realm. If other, sincere artists, can see a thirst and recognition for quality on this platform, then we would have a real connoisseur's collection of immensely talented gifts grace our presence in their droves in no time at all, which can only be a very good thing. I look forward to listening to the rising music stars of steemit. They're coming!

This place could really become a treasure trove of the arts. I'm very excited to be a part of steemit and will be keenly contributing, in my own way, towards it's ongoing journey of development and evolution. 

It's great to be a steemster!


"at least in it's most accessible forms, struggles with integrity and conscience"

this is true, the whole music industry needs a whole revamp. I'm glad block-chain will change that in the future!

Quality post! Upvoted!

Thanks for your feedback acidyo!
I concur; the pop industry, especially, is a circus show.
I'm encouraged that the block-chain can help turn the tide against the monopoly of madness in all it's forms!

"monopoly of madness"

artists like Pitbull for instance :D

Fantastic post! I joined this community to receive feedback and critiques on my writing, thought experiments and photography. I had been using Facebook and Instagram but my articles went unread, my poetry elicited private messages asking if I was depressed, theories were ignored and my photographs were liked without evaluation.

I look forward to a forum "created, curated and valued by a truly discerning audience; one brimming with all sorts of intellectuals, deep thinkers and creatives." Currently, I am attempting to gain an audience and have been posting content with more images and catchier titles but hope to increase my reputation enough to be able to post content sans marketing gimmicks. Thanks for being a supportive member of the Steemit community!

Hi @hmfoucalt, Thanks for your kind feedback.

I'm sorry to hear about your negative experiences in regards to the unreceptive community that you were limited in reaching out to within the confines of those dinosaur platforms. I'm sure that you'll find a more than welcoming, appreciative and interactive audience here on steemit!

From my observations, marketing is most often not adding anything enticing to a post. In fact, it often detracts from the integrity of the content, which could be especially damning if you have written a killer piece, that would have otherwise been far better received without the sales pitch approach.

Determine the content that you personally most value and then concentrate your efforts on sharing it in an engaging way; This is a great starting point in my opinion. I'm sure that many of your steemit comrades will also agree on the value you have identified, through upvoting and leaving comments, if your assessment of the offering is one that you can conclude provides people with original, inspiring, thought provoking, interesting, informative and entertaining content - Then you really don't need to consider dressing it up in bells and whistles. It will stand out on it's own accord and by it's own merits. This is the theory anyway.

Before you draft your post, just ask yourself questions like - "how helpful" "how useful" "how original" etc. is my offering? Maybe write down the identifiable examples of "how........" your content is.

Once you realise the value proposition that your content provides, so will others.......and then you'll be sailing!

Being ever mindful that quality over quantity wins out in the end, is a very effective, and useful practice.

Welcome to steemit. I wish you all the best on your journey here. I look forward to your sharing.

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