How Minnows and Newbies can get lots of Upvotes - Part 4

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Good morning.....good evening..... wherever you are .....wherever you may be...... This is Yoda on a Sunday night writing my last piece for the night.......

Firstly thank you for all the love, compliments, upvotes, resteems, follows, and even donations I have received.... You guys are what makes giving back and contribution worthwhile on this great community where either everyone succeeds or no one does at all. I cannot think of a better platform and I cannot think of a better thing to be doing right now before I turn in and wake up early to go back to my other labour of love which is TEACHING........

In me search for more ways to enrich my experience here on steemit as a minnow and sharing that so that more fellow minnows can live this journey with me and grow........ Maybe one day we can all use our steem to gather and met up over some single malt and talk about these early days :)

Tonight I was looking for more like minded people after writing part three and talking with the wonderful people who read and followed my posts:

And I came across a post by @allasyummyfood

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She is a beautiful british girl with a big heart and some sound advice for us minnows on what to do and what not to do to get noticed and build a following. Believe me... she is even more enticing in the video ;) I hope she does not mind me saying that...

Here is her post that inspired me:

The first thing I got from her video some things that are the WHAT NOT TO DO's

  1. DON't BE LAZY

For a start don't do lazy posts where a link to just an article or a video link is the content and say ..CHECK THIS OUT... or ...FOLLOW ME... Even I do those... but those are for fun only... like if something really made me laugh and I want to share it for entertainment only.... Like this one

These require no effort and the audience can sense that and 9 times out of 10 they will not be interested in even clicking on the link. Audiences appreciate the effort, thought, and heart that is put into a post......


Like anything else.... most of us take interest in something if we feel that we get something out of it....... Make anything you write whether it is a post, a comment or a response meaningful and of value to the recipient.... Think of most of the Facebook posts where it is all about the poster and nothing about the reader... Have you spoken to a person who only wants to talk and not listen ina conversation? Most of it will be not be heard whether it has any meaning or not..... Talking to or reading reading anything from such a person is like getting a face full of sausages.... I mean nonsense.... That is a really good way to NOT GET NOTICED....


Another great way to get noticed is a write really meaningful comments on other people's posts..... Don't just say.... Cool... Great Post..... etc. Say something that provokes thoughts to the writer.... show appreciation to the writer... I dare say many of you have responded to my posts with a lot of love, advice and appreciation that motivates me to do more.

Just to name a few and most of them were by memory..... FYI I did have a little look at the comments thread lol...... These new friends all gave me a heartfelt comment that is much appreciated....

It made me notice....... Alla also stated that it is a good idea to put some effort when commenting to people with steempower.... She is right..... and I also believe everyone should be commented with heart and thought....


I am a big believer that if anyone take the time and effort to make a meaningful comment on my posts. It is a great gesture.... I mean there is a Universe of content on steemit..... not to mention the whole internet. And if anyone of you are kind enough to write me a message to show appreciation or to enlighten me on something where you feel you can offer me some wisdom like Alla did on:

Then I should return the favour....... It is not extra work... It is the fruits of my labour..... there is no steemit if there is no connection....


Being annoying is a very powerful way to get noticed....and remembered... But not in a good way.... Annoying people will be remembered and avoided....... Asking for upvotes etc... and then repeating yourself when you don't get a response is what would annoy people. We all have the right to ask.... If we don't ask.... it is a definite no... but do ask tactfully....... And if the answer is no respect and acknowledge and even voice your acknowledgement.... and if it is a no response... leave it.....

So I hope you all got something out of that.... and another big thank you to Alla for being the inspiration of this post.... You are awesome...

Just as I was writing this I got a notification from @arcange saying that I got into something called @hit-parade

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Now that makes me feel like I am noticed..... PERFECT TIMING.......

A big shout out to my my wonderful readers of my last three articles....


If I have earned it, please upvote, follow, and most importantly resteem so more of us can be reached and assisted to grow into one of those big fat whales sooner...... And if at all possible... tiny little donation so I can do some @randowhaleas I still have to wait 2 days........

Good night everyone.... I am going to finish my scotch and hit the hay...





Keep on doing the good work master yoda! Much love to you and everybody

Hahahaha... first time on this platform I am called Master Yoda....

Hey can you do me a solid and resteem that for me so I can get this out tomore peopple...

And if I earned it ... may I have a follow :)

Off course! I forgot to resteem I was busy, will do it right now! 😉

Thank you ;) You're a legend

Hey man, when you tag people in your post, do they receive notice? Is there an etiquette for who and when to tag people? Is this something you do to attract people to your post?

I don't receive notice... I do it to show appreciation... I give a shout out to supporters as they have been great lately... And you are right it does draw some attention...

I am learning too.. Let me know if you find that offensive and I will stop tagging you or stop tagging altogether.

Let me know your thoughts

Will do, yoda. Likewise and see you on Discord.

Appreciate the mention! This has tons of value 🙌🏼🙌🏼

Thank you :) much appreciate the compliment. May I ask you to please please resteem this for other minnows? And if I have earned it a follow and an upvote would be much appreciated

well you proved it congrats!

Thank you for that very thoughtful comment.... Can you please please pretty please resteem this for me so more minnows can have a better experience.... And if I have earned it I would love an upvote and a follow ;)

no problem resteemed

Thank you :)

Did you like the first three installments of that Article?

yoda was here when they set up The Federal Reserve!

Hi @allasyummyfood Did you get a chance to have a little look at this post based on our video?

Thanks for the useful posts, and enjoy that scotch! ;)

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