Steemit World 100 Posts conclusion,100篇的總結

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Taken by yangyang@Macau,2016

Time was past so fast that I nearly haven’t noticed I have got over 100 posts already, so for this moment, I want to make a conclusion for myself.

• I felt I have enjoyed those 100 posts very much, because each posts like my babies and I have paid my time and ideas inside whatever its popular or not. I found I was very enjoying with my drawing and posts, the inspiration will always come to my mind from everywhere, that’s very interesting to me. So I should say thanks for the Steemit world offer me the channel and power to keep going with my drawing.

• I felt little difficult with the “Tag”, because I was always not sure what kinds of Tag I should use and I will be much care about if I used wrong tag or not, if Tag to the wrong way, some people will ignore or hate it. That also means my hard work will be lost.

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• In the beginning, I posted a lot every days. Because I think Steemit is similar with Facebook that I can feel free to share everything with others, but in fact, Steemit is a platform that which is much more complicated than Facebook with its benefit and power value. Therefore, Number of posts published every day has become an important factor in Steemit world.

• Besides, Post time is also an important factor in Steemit world. Steemit user are from all over the world, each area with each person has got different culture and points in their mind, I have noticed that the number of voted post will be changed irregular. Maybe at the beginning less people voted it but after some hours it will suddenly increasing fast.I think when you published your post, you should consider the time which area is more agreed with your ideas.

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• At the beginning, I have posted my drawing and written long contents with my weakness English in order to make my post funnier. But the result shown that if you are not good at English or other languages, don’t write too long contents even with translator, if others can’t understand your post contents, it’s not a good post anymore.

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• That’s very interesting experience for me that sometimes I was confident in a posts, but finally it would be failure; when I was not confident in a posts, it will be popular. I think most of the Steemit user also has got the similar experience with me. Maybe that’s the fun of Steemit. To my honest, all of posts are full of my heart and time to make it, when its failure, I felt disappointment and always think about the reasons of it, when it’s becoming popular and some good comment of it, I will be so happy and grateful to who can understand and support my post.

Here are my 100 post’s conclusions, I think I can study more and more in Steemit world and I hope I can make more and more 100 posts in future. Hope everyone keep enjoying my drawing and posts, enjoy the Steemit World.

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時間過去得真快,我幾乎沒注意到我己經發表超過 100篇文章了,為了要紀念這一刻,我想要為自己做一個100篇的結論。

  1. 我很享受創作這100篇文章,無論是我的畫作還是照片。無論文章是否受歡迎,每一篇文章都像我的孩子一樣,包含了我的努力和時間。我發現我很享受去創作我的畫作和文章,靈感源源不斷地從周圍湧入我的思想,這是一種樂趣。所以我要感謝這Steemit 世界所提供的平台和動力使我繼續我的畫作。

  2. 我覺得在使用標籤方面有困難,因為我常不確定我所使用的標籤有否用對,我也十分在意會用錯標籤到不恰當的領域,使得人們會忽視或討厭我這不合群的文章,這也意味着我那篇用錯標籤的文章的努力會付諸東流了。

  3. 剛開始的時候,我會每天發表很多文章,我以為Steemit跟Facebook是類同的與人交流分享的平台,可以隨性隨意地分享我的一切。但事實上,由於Steemit涉及利益金錢和能量值的關係,Steemit是要比Facebook更複雜的網絡分享平台。每天發表的篇數就成為在Steemit裡一個很重要的成功因素。

  4. 除了上述,發表的時間我認為也是一個重要的因素。因為Steemit的用户來自於全球,每個地方每一個人都有不同的文化和看法,我注意到在支持度上會有不規則的變化,就是在發表初期,可能支持度比較少,但到了某個時間,支持度會突然大幅上升,我想當你要發表文章時,可以考慮一下內容會受哪個地區哪些人的認同。

  5. 剛開始的時候,我會在發表畫作的同時寫一篇內容較長的英文文章來讓更多的人能了解我所表達的內容,可能是我的英文太差了,結果是強差人意,所以我意識到如果你不精於外語寫作,就不要用長文章去表達你的意思,即使是用翻譯器,因為別人看不懂的話,意味着這不是一個好的發表。

  6. 很奇怪的一種體驗是,當我對於一篇文章充滿信心時,最後的結果是認同的人很少,而當我對一篇文章没那麼大的信心時,最後它會比較受歡迎,我想大部份的人應該與我有着相同的體驗,可能這就是Steemit的樂趣吧。說實話,如果我的文章失敗了,我會失望,然後總想着它會失敗的原因,我很高與在這100篇文章裡有受到支持和認同的文章和畫作,也很感謝支持和認同我的朋友,給了我很大的鼓舞。


Cheers, Yang yang

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