Um, random giveaway competition (of some sort...)!😀

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hey folks!

Some months ago I decided i needed to take a break from steemit. One main reason was to concentrate more on day trading - with the aim of e.g. losing less money due to getting distracted ;) I remember stuff like ‘china banning bitcoin’ - now seems a long time ago!

So, I wanted to apologise for not replying to any of the comments on my last two posts (due to this reason). Sorry about that.🙁

Anyway, to make up for this in a small way, it I thought i’d try to do some type of random giveaway competition.

Haha.... joke😂i mean a fun game!!!!!


Not really sure what the rules could be (..or even the point, exactly ;) ). But I was thinking maybe choose randomly from any replies which have a link to an intro post which verifies they are real (e.g. holding piece of paper with ‘steemit’ + date written on it) [in order to avoid bots / Sybil / etc].

Rules: This is ntended for people who have just joined / don’t have much steem / sp - so I think there should be a max ... how about accounts of less than 50 sp+steem only to enter.
Prize: TBD/surprise!
No. of prizes: TBD/surprise!
Expiry date: TBD (but definitely before end of the current month!)

Maybe there’s a better idea (for future reference) - and I’d be interested in any suggestions/thoughts?
But for now I’m thinking anything other than completely random selection would involve some work (for someone)😳


Hey folks, I’m thinking: 16 prizes to be given away in SBD. Random selection at end of month!!

So far only a few people added in intro links, so your chances of winning are good right now 😉

Hey Man - I just wanted to leave you a huge "Thank you!" - Your votes were one of the key points motivation to stay on steemit and help others as well!
Know I am running @welcoming, a programm made a 100% for supporting new users by upvoting/resteeming their introduction post! If you look for newbies to support, you always can look at the resteemed ones there!
Thx once again man, you are awesome!

Eek, now a feel bad......I’ve been away for like 5 months!😂
Anyways, I will check your awesome posts.....after I sort out this thing:)

No need to feel bad - Since you motivated some users like @karensuestudios and me big time months ago, your are indirectly always supporting the community even if you a re not her 😏

Checking out my posts might be a little hard for your atm - Since the german community has gotten a big push in the last month, I was focusing a lot on making an high quality video tutorial series in german! But I am definitely coming up with new Hiking and Skiing stuff soon! ⛰⛷

awww :) That's right! We totally started around the same time, and 01 was such a big help in helping both our accounts grow. It's so awesome you have @welcoming started! :)

And I think we both can say that it changed our life to the better ;) You seem to be enjoying travelling around the world and connecting to other Steemians - And I definitely will be a better doctor with all the human influence from here and the fact that I have to care way less about money since I can get some here as well! This makes me free - and as a doctor, you should be :)

AWWww ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Seriously!! It did change my life! Forever grateful and for all of the friendship we have made! ☺️

But if you ever decide to stay away longer, maybe you could think about delegatin a few of your SP to @welcoming? It's active daily and growing + it only votes manually selected introduction posts from new users! Would great if you could give it a thought in case you plan to stay away for a longer period of time again - But I'd prefer you just stay active yourself 😏

you rock 01!!! ahhhhhhh smiles smiles smiles that you are back!

Lol/oops.... ok, I really promise to be back for more than one day this time😀

Seriously, I needed to sort out some stuff in the last month. Hopefully, that stuff which I needed to sort (basically, which country I could emigrate to :) ) is now on the way to being sorted ;-)

OMGGG!!! You are moving for sure??? Tropical place right? I'll have to visit ya!

Yea, you better be back for more than a day. I was so excited to see you and then you were gone... winter is coming... I was worried you got taken by the white walkers :P’re cracking me up, seriously (with the GoT references😂)!
Well, probably only 5 months or something until the final series ever!(sob😭😭😭😭😭)

First, I’m trying to move to somewhere a bit more ‘prosaic’ (but good for tax).
Step 2 is somewhere tropical 🏝 (hopefully!!!)
Of course i’d love you to visit/have a nice stay (if and when it ever materialises for real!)
......but maybe you can tell me what sort of spec you’d be looking for?

Sure, I want a nice place......but idea would be to rent out some of the time (money side is never far from my calculations either😉)

Okay warm place for sure, Thailand sounds perfect! But I’m off to Taiwan japan and Korea soon, so I’ll let you know what I think about it.

When I go to Taiwan this will be my first time seeing my Taiwan family in 10 years! Crazy right??? 😆

Or somewhere in the the Caribbean! I can’t believe you are moving soon! I’m so excited for you. I remember you telling me that when you first met.

Will visit wherever you end up! I’m doing steemit full time, so I have time to travel now! ❤️

Reallllllllly???? Did you actually chuck in the high powered social media marking Silicon Valley gig 😳! 🏝.

ahahhaah! you make it sound way more grand than it is.. but yea! Just traveling and blogging. I'm really enjoying it! :) Lot's of fun videos! :)

This is really great to encouraging new steemains
The date of draw is also great
Good luck for all
Keep the good work

@xaero1 I am feeling pretty lucky, hope to win! Can't wait for the results. Thanks for what you are doing!

long time no see you.. How are you ?

I’m ok, thanks.
How are you?😀

Hey welcome back!!! Can we drop links of others or should they do it themselves?

Btw, with steem and sbd prices now, looks like your leep of faith in just accummulating more steem is paying off ^_^

But prices (as we now) ‘aren’t just for Christmas’!😬
Will be interesting to see what the future holds for steemit in the long run!

Funny you say this! We had a steemit event and dinner last saturday and we were talking about the possibilities kow that there's smt. Surpassinggoogle, along with many other steemuans from here, had dinner with @janicehung, an influencer in our country (please do give her some love when able). Anywho I hope you dont do a disappearing act again haha

Hey folks, I’ve been really BAD😮
Sorry! 😱
I went away, and I did not post results for my giveaway, for a month after the due date😭😭😭😭😭

Well, anyway, be rest assured that ‘word is my bond’ (as they say in well educated establishments in England😜).
So, whether there are just 3 entries ... or 30 entries, to choose from, I’m going to go through them right now!!!!!

And I promise to publish either the winners, or the candidates and lottery criteria (one of the reasons for the delay was that I hadn’t figured out how to do this .. so I need to decide this too..) by the end of the month!😀😀😀😀😀

Very cool dude!

Well, thanks + hi!😀

Ok, the final entrants to this lottery are:

1/ @apprentice
2/ @alexandraioana26
3/ @anindia
4/ @yushaina

Here’s how the result will be determined:
I will take the hash (call this number ‘x’) of the Bitcoin block at height 507050 (which should be determined in just a bit over 24 hours from now,
Then I will take the modulus of 4 of this, using python; then I will add to 1, to get a value in the range of 1 to 4, to match the list given above.

I.e., the number for winner will be determined by this formula: (X % 4) + 1

Also, ‘just for the hell of it’, I’m going to increase the winner’s payout to 150 SBD😀
The 3 runners up will get 25 SBD😀
And, as previously mentioned, it will be 10 SBD to the two other people who didn’t quite qualify.



Could you possibly make another post about this trying to determine winner by this blockchain technique, I tried to understand, but still feel like alien language.. I would appreciate it, just so interesting though.

Hehe...I’m too tired right now. But maybe...., or maybe i’ll try to post a better quick reply here if I remember😃

Ok, I think the list of entrants which I noted below are:


But I forgot to check the wallet amounts (very sorry!)
So, redone, to check the ‘max 50’ rule, I think we have just:


Right? All sound fair?

So, my plan is to randomly choose one of the above three, to receive a prize of 100SBD. The two runners up will get 20SBD. Also, as I forgot about about my own rule(!), the other three will get 10SBD :)

All sound fair, I hope?

Good luck!

I’ll publish the lottery mechanics tomorrow😀

I hope you will come back ! 😂

Thanks, I will try not to go away this time😉

@xaero1 at 31.12 I had below 50 steem +sp... i have a picture as a proof i think
this is when u posted last December, maybe I have a picture made on 31.12.2017, but I have to look!

But in conclusion, the rules are rules, so good luck! Maybe another time you will host another giveaway, where I will be eligible! I wish you all the best and congrats to the winners!

I think this is fair enough. The competition was meant to be over by mid December anyway, but I went AWOL :-/
So, I will add you in. Anyway, the rules are essentially all at my discretion, since there were no ‘official’ legal terms and conditions (such as ‘no purchase required blah blah...’) to begin with. Instead this just a case of: people can post a reply if they like; and I may sent someone some steem dollars at the end of it if I feel like it. Only things at stake are people’s reputations imo.

No worries, I understood you were taking a break, but wow thanks, this is so sweet of you! I know the rules are rules, I wasn't upset or something, I was eager for a brand new competition! I know for sure there'll always be a next time.

Xaeroooooooo I would like to participate too, what do I have to do? @xaero1

Sorry, @dojeda, too late for this one (by about a month :-( ), but i’ll Ping you next time if and when I do another ;-/

Is there any chance to do this again..? because my sp are very low (with -) yay for me 😂😬

welcome back my friend,
I miss you so much,
hopefully day you are happy ,,,
I am very weak without your help ,,
I hope you do not go anymore .....

Greetings. Hope you are well.
Unfortunately I don’t really have time for curation. Probably I need to find another use for my steem power, I.e. rent it out.

at times like this I really need your help,
would you like to help my article as it once was ...
i really need your help again ,,,
and i want to talk a lot in,
just like what it used to be

please you reply me,
I want to talk privately at
I will ask for a loan of 50 thousand steam power from you,
and how much I should pay to you

Sorry, I want to use it all now for a rando-bot type thing.

But if I ever get it implemented i may give out some free ‘vouchers’ . E.g. this scratch card will give out a free upvote to be used at one’s leisure, hehe 😀

I am so glad you want to speak in steemit. chat, help me for the last time

I do not know what to say to you,
and how to convince you to give me delegation of steem power,
please help me, give a little steem power delegation,, @xaero1

and if I have to rent it from you,
how much i should pay ...?

please help me my article ,,
i want you like before again,
come to me,
only you can help me ,,
and I will be your loyal follower

Wkwkw nice post @xaero1. So funny

Haha, thanks!

2 months Omg!! I really need it.. hiw can i play??

Ideally I want to create an automated lottery thing, for next time. But then i would use my steem power to upvote rather my own money haha😂. But it really does require automation as the process would be need to complete within 7 days (not 2 months!), or the upvote would have no effect. Trying to see if an IT guy can help me with that at the moment :)

welcome back @xaero1, it's really been a while. I'm glad that you're back, you're such a blessing to this community.

Hello @xaero1,long time no see. Welcome back dear. I am really really miss you again. Check my blog please. I have surprise only for you.

Hello sir @xaero1
Nice to meet you again in Steemit :)
I've been waiting for you back here

That sound good but I'm 2 months later, lol.

Wow so very cool master @xaero1

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