All the people who got back when the price increased will be gone soon and it will be just me... and the bots again.

in #steemit7 years ago

I have already written about the fact that all the people who happened to come back to Steemit after 8 months of low prices did it only for the money, but not because "they loved this platform so much and wanted to change the world with it!" Those people never gave af about Steemit and they will never do. I am still a little confused how many people believe all the crap they are being told.

GoT starts again today, so I feel the need to use this meme.

So, the price is still tanking and I am wondering when will all the pretentious douches leave Steemit again like they did last summer. I was not there to witness that process last year, but I will surely enjoy seeing all the people who only care about money leave again. Actually, I believe that the drop of the price can actually be for the better because Steemit is still a very shitty platform, to be honest, and low price of Steem might summon some changes. It didn't last time, but maybe the community will take the second chance, what do you think?

So here are some of my thoughts:

  1. I am happy to see the price tanking and all the kissing-ass spineless liars leaving again. It will be easier for us who actually enjoy this rotten platform to accumulate more Steem before the next wave.

  2. We need a lot of changes on Steemit, badly. When the price is high, the changes will never happen. However, now, when the price is tanking, we might see people finally making some decisions to improve.

  3. It is a very good learning material of people's behavior and a good reminder that words mean nothing nowadays and we must look at the actions.

  4. The community must stop believing those circle jerkers who claim to love Steemit as if it was their mother just to get some juicy upvotes. Always. Stay. Objective.

  5. People will be complaining about low rewards once again without realizing that it is their best opportunity to start accumulating Steem now. It'll be interesting to see how many new people stay on the platform when the price is low.

  6. I feel sorry for people who got blinded by the FOMO and bought more Steem instead of selling it when the price was high. In my eyes, that was a greedy and stupid move and has nothing to do with "the love for Steem(it)."

  7. Soon, Steem will become a good investment again as the coin is very powerful and might become huuuuge with or without Steemit succeding. But the price is still too high to buy, imo.

  8. People who will leave again when price drops should get flagged to infinity when they come back again when the price rises. Why? Because it would be fun to do so... The only ones who should be spared are the ones who have balls to admit that they are only on Steemit for money. Yup, I prefer and respect the truth.

  9. There is no point to be sad about the dropping price if you believe in and love Steem(it). It will eventually become only higher profits after the platform gets rid of all the trashy scammers again.

  10. We will soon see who is who. After all, you can only get to know people when the there is a crisis.


I have only been here for a couple of weeks and admit I was initially attracted by the money, or rather the monetisation model. I do intend to stick around and accumulate more Steem as I can see the potential. I've been around crypto since 2011 and can't see the point of most alts. I can see that steem has a decent use case though and therefore has a decent chance of success.

It may just be you and the boys, but you will have put up with me dropping in!!

You have a very good attitude toward this platform and believe me - it will be much easier to accumulate Steem if/when the prices drop. Many people will leave and others will get a chance to accumulate before the next wave. We always have to look long-term I guess.

Wow. This was one of the best articles I've read on steemit in a month. You hit the nail on the head with your points. I totally agree that the price drop of steem is excellent for the core people who want to continue using the platform, and bad for the short sighted circle jerkers.

One big change I'd like to see on Steemit is a way to create evergreen content and have it continue to pay out long-term. Rewarding people for creating long term value projects will add a new dimension to the types of content we see here on Steemit and would definitely benefit the community here.

Some use cases for long term projects are:

  1. Publishing a book
  2. Really great howto tutorials that don't get old
  3. Art that doesn't get old: paintings, drawings, music recordings, etc

I know Steemit sends out rewards on a per week basis right now, but I'd like to just throw this out there: maybe we could reward content by setting up a list of top 100 Most viewed/upvoted etc "articles" (regardless of publish date), and keep it separate from the shorter term "posts". This way Steem could be paid out to the best short term, and the best long term content.

Either way, your post was very thought provoking, and I'm actually going to follow you so I can keep up with your new posts. Thanks for adding value to the community!

thanks for your ideas! Yeah, many people believe that if we were rewarding content in long-term as well, people would actually try more. I mean, if we had some revenue coming from ads for instance, you would want to get as many views as possible. There are many ways to solve this problem, but no one is looking at it yet...

Love your point number 4 :)

Not going to happen, tho... Not just yet

I'm here from January, when the steem was at 0.15 $. After it was at 0.07 $, but I continued to publish here and to stay active. The days after the HF18 was very very hard and we were just few active steemians here, but in the "bad" times I met very nice people here and I read very interesting contents, so I think the "bad" times are the best time to live the community ! ^_^

Yeah, usually all the scammers are out when prices are low and some honest and interesting people stay. I would really love to see one more dip to $0.2 cents before the next crypto bubble emerges for all the reasons I stated above

It's a bit negative formulated to my taste. I am here for the money. I try to earn 100% of my living here to provide for my wife and daughter. I kind of succeeded in the first month since I am here and no matter how low the price drops I am here to stay. After ten years of blogging on my own websites which took forever to create and never returend a penny of income, I have found my love for Steemit. Please let the price dip down to 0.2. Then I will sell a kidney and buy in.

I see nothing bad in being here for the money. I was referring to people who say that they are here for something else, but get themselves in vote trading which only causes the downfall of the reward pool. We are all here for the money (at least as one of the factors) and people who say otherwise are liers. I mean, any other social media platform is way superior to Steemit yet, except the money part. Why would anyone stay here if they don't need money?
I meant that we would get rid of all those jerks who are raping the reward pool atm if the price drops. Believe me, we need a cleanup before we can improve again. And yeah, I earned quite a lot of money compared to what I could earn on my personl blog (which is nothing) so I am grateful for this platform. I just want to see it evolving, not dying

Yes, I totally agree with you. And evolve it will!

The pretentious douches and trashy scammers you are talking about might read your comment, be touched and get rid of their bad manners...

By the way, I didn't buy steem, but made the mistake with EOS. Now, I'll have to hold it over the next year or until the price rise at the $3.5 level..

Nooo, none of them will read my post. They are not here for the social media :D
Yeah, I feel sorry for you with EOS. I was close to buying in as well, but waiting for a dip. thinking to buy below $1 if I am lucky if not, I won't fall for the FOMO anyway. I am holding a bag of DGB, tho... It might take a year as well haha

I was obviously trapped by the FOMO :( But, I can still wait for the price going above $3.5.

I'm a newbie 🙁... but love this platform so I'm in it for long run 😀

Hopefully, you'll like it. There will be a lot of struggles at first, I been here. Actually, those struggles will never end haha, but still, I believe in the potential of this place, so despite all my negative jokes, I still believe that this platform (or at least this idea, which someone will use to create a better functioning Steemit-like platform) is going to be big in the near future.

Totally agree :)

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Thank You - @blueorgy

i agree with you about the asadflkmadflkmasdlfm, but not sure yet if the price is tanking... i'd say more drifting down.. if you look at the OBV, there's not been much volume during the drop, more sells than buys for sure but not much of either really... i'm still hoping it'll bounce up just coz i picked up a bag before it all went pear shaped... too impatient and optimistic at the time i guess, hoping the golden cross would play out... death cross hasn't formed yet on the daily chart though it probably will quite soon if the price doesn't push up pretty soon..

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