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RE: Will Rachel Maddow Be Fair to You? | Censorship and the Steemit Platform

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

You bring up some interesting points. I'm not familiar with this rachel chick...but perhaps because she is a big media pundit - her actual followers is somewhat 'fake'.

I wonder if down the road with enough adoption of people onto steemit - if it would be possible for Steem to be a self-sufficient currency - not requiring it's value to be tied to the existing monetary structures. Yes, this is a radical approach and consideration. But if we think about the value of any currency - it's ultimately the decision of the people using it to accept and dare i say 'create' it's value.

Also I don't think such radical outlooks are in any near days to come...but i do like to consider big ideas.

Cheers, and thanks for opening up discussions.

Steem On Brother

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