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in #steemit6 years ago

I think you nailed it with this post @mistermercury!
You put things in the proper order...

  • Give and ye shall receive
  • Treat it like a business

I'm curious on your thoughts about that magical threshold one must meet to create a significant income. You mention 4-6 months in your comments. And just how does one make a significant income?

  • I know some look down on those of us who would like to make income from this platform, but I personally see nothing wrong with wanting to get a $$$ return on our investment of Time.
    • I think it's a circle. The more we treat this like a business, the better we can help others, which ends up helping us... ...
      • Starting out, I've just been slinging mud against the wall in the hopes of seeing what sticks. But looking down the road, what do you think should be our business plan? Is it building up enough followers who curate our content? Is it building up enough SP to rent out? Is it building up enough SBC's to purchase votes on occasion? a combination of those things? something else...???...

Well, I ain't no Wiz like you but I have some ideas both on what I call the abundant heart which describes a wholeness within ourselves, or at least movement in that direction, but also includes the fact that we are not separate from prosperity...there is a oneness. We learn to step out of the old survival paradigm into a new consciousness of abundance. Looks like I'll be posting that later this week. Keep an eye out for it. As far as what strategies we take to reach our potential, that too must be addressed. I feel kind of odd with this however, I mean where are our fearless leaders laying out a systematic course for us to follow. Surely, I mean SURELY this has been done before. One of the things I'd like to do is make a directory of services and tech apps available on Steemit, along with a directory of who's who and what they contribute to the platform. You are exactly right it seems we all are flinging mud on the wall as fast as possible but frankly thats really not very efficient and it is discouraging too. So why not outline a system that one can use to prosper? I'm just now figuring it out. It should be possible to actually interview those who are upper Minnows, dolphins and Orcas to get their input. And of course those who would build the directory, and develop a system others could duplicate would prosper. The thing is the goal is cooperative lifting others up we, ourselves, are lifted. This is the new paradigm and blockchain provides the perfect platform on which to do this.

Thanks for the provocative comment. i'm open to further discussion. I am now also motivated to begin putting all of this together and would welcome any input or collaboration. Working together like this is actually one of the higher steps one must take to rise within the platform. I suppose, too, there are many ways to achieve success, and that is great.

Oh, and one more important point: Time. I've been very fortunate the last 2 months to have been too ill to work. I was stuck here in front of the computer. What a blessing that has been. But not everyone is so fortunate. I really feel for those who have limited time they can dedicate to Steemit. In fact, I must admit, had I come to this platform with only the ability to put in and hour or two a day I'd have said, "Hasta La Vista, Baby" long ago. In fact I did. I signed up originally back in the summer of 2016, but a combination of illness and work kept me from doing anything. I never even really got started. But then, my daughter, who stuck with it, though very part time encouraged me to jump back in this year. I actually had my first post I think right around the 13th of February. Two months ago. So what can be done, if anything, for those who really could thrive here, if only they had the time. Perhaps nothing. Or... thinking proactively here, what if there was a supportive community just for them? Why not?

Many blessings. Christopher.

If you still have the time, this might help at least short term...

@wizardave; was really not feeling well today ( a metabolic disorder) so didn't do much but try and respond to replies. On my good days I want to conquer the world, on my bad days I can't manage myself. Perhaps tomorrow... Blessings. Oh and thanks for the link to FTG. I think I could do well for him but his request is very "fringe". I guess I'm just not there yet.

I get the feeling with a lot of people it's taboo to talk about making money here. Perhaps we need to try a bit of detective work. Finding those who are doing this full time and using SteemWorld or Steemd to see what's up in their world?

  • Running the figures looks a bit bleak. Say you do 30 posts a month, $10/post is only $300/month. Say you could do half as good with commenting and curating puts you up to $450. That would be great, but that's not retirement income.

One of the things I'd like to do is make a directory of services and tech apps available on Steemit, along with a directory of who's who and what they contribute to the platform.

Just a few days on Steemit and I saw that was needed. So I set up a website and did this post about it. It's an old school web site not connected to the blockchain (I am a wizard, so that may come along someday.... haha). But I do think it could be a staging area, information gathering area for posts on Steemit about things like you mention... I've not really spent any time on it yet, because you really need a team.

Perhaps building a team is the ticket. I mean, look at ADSactly. I have no clue how many are involved with that, but they make hundreds / post and do several posts a day...

Let's figure out what our next step is... ??? ...

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