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RE: More on upvoting etiquette

in #steemit7 years ago

Before HF19 I sometimes resteemed an article I liked after I felt like I had no more votes to give. Now since it is mathematically impossible to truly run out of votes, I upvote everything I happen to like.


Yes that in theory is good but the ever changing dynamics dont exactly make it clear how it works exactly for everyone, especially new users...

The way it works now is that if you start with 100% voting power and you upvote someone at 100%, then your voting power will be depleted by 2% (2% of 100%). However, let's say you upvote a second post immediately after. Well, then your voting power gets depleted by 2% of the remaining 98%, which makes it slightly less than the original 2% out of 100%. The more you upvote, the less of a bite it takes out of your voting power. Meanwhile, your voting power replenishes at a rate of 20% (always out of 100%) daily. So that means you can never run out of it, so you should upvote as much as you want.

To get some experience, go to In the left hand column, you will see a line item for your voting power. It is currently at 96.79% but will be different than that when you look at it. Then upvote something on Steemit and then refresh the steemd page. You will see a log of your action at the top of the right hand side of the page, and you will note a decrease in your voting power. Make a few more upvotes, noting what's happening with your voting power each time. Then go to sleep and check voting power again the next day and you should see a significant increase. You do this a few times and you'll get an intuitive sense of how it works. Hope this makes sense. Cheers!

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