There's lots of spam here, but by having the patience to sift through it you can succeed on STEEMIT.

in #steemit8 years ago

I've been seeing lots of posts here which amount to not much more than your typical email spam. Some of them are actually gaining...well, steem. That's okay. It's going to happen. It's part of how the system was created, and people are using the system to do what they normally do. It's inevitable.

Truck through it.

That's the only way to gain success here, you've got to simply deal with the reality that it's going to be here. But the system isn't broken. It's too young to be broken. To say that it's broken would actually be to imply that no one is getting paid. But that's not what's happening if you look at the home page. The key is to make sure your content is something that people are interested in.

The pattern I keep seeing is that most people are here to learn, not to be entertained. This is why most of the posts you're seeing here are all about digital currency and information regarding Steemit itself. However, the flipside to that coin is the replies that popular content receives - THOSE are where the entertainment lies. The educational posts get the upvotes, while the witty and entertaining replies on them get them too.

What sort of patterns are you seeing?


To be honest I'm not that much impressed by the top posts so far, since it seems to be a huge circle jerk, or chicks doing regular stuff. People get 3000$ for saying "yay I got rich with STEEM!". It will get better as the bigger and better content creators find this place. If you had an artist like the Oatmeal here he'd break the piggy bank.

I completely agree. In fact I surmise that most of what we're seeing here is a direct result of the site simply being so new.

I wrote something very similar earlier.

The IMPORTANT part about proper tags and upvoting on STEEMIT!


We need to upvote original and likable content, and flag unwanted posts. Without performing the basic functions of Steemit, we are neglecting our part to help promote growth.

Very cool. I'll take a look at it.
So far, the effort involved with getting the inertia going isn't easy, but with enough patience it certainly feels like there's a lot of potential here. It's hard to look at the posts on the main page here and tell ourselves that no one is making money.

It'll take patience and development to really polish everything up. Steemit has a long path ahead, and we've barely started to warm up on this adventure. I'm very excited!

It's important to post original content. I'm also tired of seeing the same stories.

I agree, and doing so can be difficult in this phase of the site's existence. I can't help but feel that when someone posts something original - unless the thing they're posting is by and far extraordinary - that the poster is hoping to post a shot-to-the-heart with something simple that will earn them thousands of dollars overnight, and it doesn't seem to be working that way, almost as if the audience is hip to it and are quick to write most of them off.

@anca3drandom @winstonwolfe feel encourages and empowered to flag these unwanted posts! #KEEPSTEEMITCLEAN

Good call. If the place doesn't feel organic with real people making real posts, then aside from any money-making opportunity it just feels like the junk folder of my email inbox. Gotta keep peoples' feet to the fire.

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