
Eagerly awaiting Steemit realtime chat, where you can upvote or flag during those chats.

That would be fantastic.

Haha, that's so true! Wait... I just got a @all notification.
grabs popcorn

Like clockwork.

Do you remember who it was? Maybe I'll go flag em. LOL

HAHA!!!! True story! Happened like 3 times within a 15 minute time period yesterday. Worst part is I forgot I had desktop notifications on, was pretty awkward.

I love the new name of the channel too!

Even with a name like that, people won't pay attention to it. It's a bit like this...

Great, now I'm looking at all kinds of old Farside comics. LOL

Haha! I loved that one. I remember when they used to have these on T-shirts. I begged my parents to get one for me for like weeks. This was one of the ones I had. The other one was this:

I think there is something in the chat code that results in bipolar disorder.

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