I'm loving A) how the tags show up in posts now, and B) that bots no longer litter the comments sections. :)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I saw that we all now have reputation rank shown next to our names, but in particular, I'm really liking how the tags appear now. :)

I'm also really fond of how the known bots are being hidden at the bottom due to their negative reputation (that little number next to your username when you comment).

Am I mistaken, or are they now also unable to vote?


Here's to progress! It's great to be on the ground floor of this amazing platform...

Absolutely! I can't be thankful enough that I found this place when I did. For multiple reasons.

It's a beautiful thing...the platform keeps going above my expectations.

We're witnessing evolution. :)

i like the changes too @winstonwolfe ! steem on! 8]

One thing I don't like is that when you click a user it says follow or ignore but doesn't take you to his home page like it used to. That was a nice way to research an author before upvoting. Is there anyway to do this now? I do also like the tags and reputation and not hiding.

I see what you mean, and that can be a bit off-putting I suppose. All you have to do in that dropdown menu that says "Follow" & "Mute" is simply click on their name just above those options and voila...you're on their blog page. It's just one more click than usual. ;-)
What I WOULD like to see again is the option to right-click their name and open it in a new tab. When you right-click it now, that option isn't there.

Thanks I didn't know that . I am usually on iPhone so no right clicking

No, it still directs to author page once you click on the name again. It just asks you first if you want to follow or mute, and above these two questions, there is a username of author where you can click to get yourself redirected to his page.

I like the drop down menu to follow and ignore the OP but I'm still waiting on the utilization of "following" users. I have no idea or clue how this is implemented on the site. This button is everywhere yet useless at the same time. Am I wrong? Please somebody correct me if I am

Here's what I've found - if you use http://steemstats.com and simply look up only yourself, the "Activity" tab at the top will show you your followers. And you'll receive notifications on the bottom-right corner of the screen when someone votes for you in any way (green notifications), or if someone replies to you (blue notification). You'll also get blue notifications when someone you're following makes a new post.

Thanks for sharing these Steemit updates with us @winstonwolfe!

I did notice the changes earlier today, but I didn't pay them much attention.

I'm excited about the bots finally being under control. I didn't appreciate one bit how they spammed a lot of the awesome posts on Steemit with random comments and down votes.

Good riddance of the bots I say!

Thanks again for sharing this with us.

Hey no problem. I just noticed it and thought, "Hm...I don't think anyone's mentioned this yet."

I NO robot but I I went from depressing (-5) to (4) to (5) in the last 6 hours.
roller coaster day for me.

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