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RE: 3 reasons steemit won't make it out of this decade...

in #steemit7 years ago

Hi, love such discussions! First of all I like the language used in this Post :-).
Your point concerning whales is absolutely true! So I give 90% for 1. - 100% for 2. reason. Nevertheless we all can count ourselfes "big fish" concerning the fact that this is the beginning of the journey. No one can predict future HFś In my opinion there is much to be done to make this platform more attractive for new users. Time will tell.
To your 3rd. argument there are many videos and posts out there discussing the topic of value in Steemit/Steem. I have a different point of view.
Thank you for the interresting Post.


Hey @whizzkid.

Yeah, there's certainly hope for up and coming hard forks. What changes would you recommend?

Regarding the 3rd point. I'm still not convinced - if you come across a good article / video, please send it my way! :D

Hi, unfortunately I got so much work right now. I got to get some time to post about the value/money craetion in steemit. Will probably post something on Sunday, not in deep delegated proof-of-stake but I will try to set something easy up... .
Concerning changes I do think about getting rid of steempower! It leads to a spiral of investing in order to be heard. There would be no use in creeping in some whales ass. We should have equal voting power. There shoud be a good time/upvote/downvote algorithm to keep more valuable posts up there. I think somehow like reddit. Influece should be build up by following people not by buying in steempower.
Just my subjective thoughts on it while driving home from work.
Greetings, @whizzkid

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