Flags, Trolls and SteemIt Woes. Can Human's Handle Freedom or Power? Random Thoughts.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago

Many humans only seem to be able to handle Freedom, that does not offend them personally.  

I just did a post on being offended, but it seems that some are offended by:

  • Adult Content
  • Not making comments?
  • Snarky Comments
  • Different Views
  • Flags
  • Earning to much
  • Pizzagate

I see what looks to me like abuse of power by some large accounts, and I see flags justified for the simplest reasons.  In most cases it seem  to boil down to concern about the investment and who we want (or don't want) to attract to SteemIt.  There is also a lot  of support, interesting disagreement and opinions about where things can go from here.

Sometimes the answer is "This is not good for the platform".  (Thus earning a flag or more)

My point of view is that if you want to grow the platform, we need all types of people.  Every successful social media platform also includes, trolls, spammers, conspiracy people, religious people, feminists, meme lovers, etc.

I don't ask you to blindly agree with my perspective, but I do ask you to consider how the platform will grow if our own community seems to turn on each other over simple things.  Can we try some tolerance, even on topics you disagree with.  Twice now on SteemIt, I have had to check myself as well.  I would rather have Freedom than a Safe Space, so thank you all for reminding me of that.

Consider that it’s always easier to defend someone’s right to say something with which you agree. But in a free society, you also have a duty to defend speech to which you may strongly object.  

Follow, vote, resteem, if you want to it's a free, decentralized, blockchain thingy. (I guess I should add flag)


PS: Congratulations on the successful "Hard Fork". 


Steemit is still an infant and its place, purpose and path are still not clear.

The authors are the parents that need to guide it to a mature, reputable social platform. Without guidance, a clear path and direction it will just remain as it is.

Nobody really knows what steemit can become but we all agree what ever it is will change the way people blog forever.

Let's make it right!

Nicely Said!

We were forked pretty hard yesterday, weren't we?

Anyway - I'm getting really tired of all the nonsense as well. Flagging for leaving comments. Being outraged because your porn post was flagged by some newer users (but still earning $70+). Justifying flagging by claiming "investor worry." People just being offended in general. I feel like we've had this discussion before, but it seems like there's a lot of juvenile behavior from people who are supposed to be adults - people who actually consider themselves intelligent adults.

People can say or do whatever they want, as long as they're not harming anyone else. The only thing I ever usually ask/expect from them is to not be a liar or a hypocrite...and to use their words instead of throwing tantrums like a child. If only we could get more of that, we'd be a hell of a lot better off.

Your post from yesterday, spawned me actually writing what I have been thinking for a while. I also agree some people really need to grow up.

Yeah...my post. Isn't it funny that it's the same person/clique of people from a couple of months back? What are the odds? I happened to go all this time without any issues, then I get accused of trolling. I laugh and laugh. The more things change...

I noticed one of your posts had 4 flags (at the time I viewed). I couldn't see any reason in your post for the flags. Do people even know what the guidelines are about flagging? Too many seem to not have a clue.

Maybe there should be a pop up that displays when someone clicks the flag icon - similar to the current resteem pop up - that gives the list of legitimate violations that can be flagged and then asks if they still want to continue.

I think we'll need some kind of improvement sooner rather than later, because as we get new users, they'll automatically think the flag is for general "disapproval"or "dislike", which it is not.

I find your proposal very interesting: list reasons for the flag.

This kind of already exists. They added it a couple of months ago.

Ah, I see it now. I've never actually clicked the flag, thinking it was automatic. Perhaps they should add "only" to the notification "The flag should be used [only] for the following", but I don't know that it would make any difference. Maybe. Or add that abusing the flagging system could result in being flagged yourself.

The only other alternative I can see for the current setup that would work is to give power to moderators who can undo inappropriate flags, even flags by whales who get out of hand.

very genius comment!

funny, i get afraid of checking my replies anytime i see a reply notification cos it may be related to a flag; it is silly. i am still a noob and if you only knew how discouraging it is. i was feeling like leaving steemit at one point cos it looks like they follow you around once you have got your first flag. i dont know if they read your posts, many times your a flagged for misusing tags, well according to them. if you wrote your post; it is you who would the context in which your post was written and ofcourse you can choose a tag you fill your posts shud fall in. worst thing you can never win; when you try to explain your innocence and offer to remove the so-called wrong tag. you try to explain yourself you are seen to be arguing and that is further reason not to remove a flag. it looks like once you get in the bad books, you are followed averywhere. i watched a video and related excerpts of it acccording to my understanding and paraphrased in my own words and they say i copy/pasted; very harsh and they didnt put a link to where i copypasted from. they turned me into starting to write just 6 word posts to remove any slight chance of copypaste. worse thing is the flag you first and leave a comment and ofcourse if you try to explain, you are arguing. sometimes you wwant to be tempted to go look for their post and flag but we are too grown for that plus who i'm i. i am starting to see that here it is a show off of steem power. i am really struggling here and one time, i woke up to see my post featured by curry, then the flag came and removed almost all my earnings, even tho my post was voted by some whales. you try to comment back and no response. i dont know if it is a bot or human that does this. a human shud have some heart

@whatsup, we need a diversified community. All kinds of ideas from all parts of this earth we call home. In time, most of the bugs will be ironed out by the community. Steem On!

Well said. We need a variety of opinions especially ones we don't agree with.

if yu are getting flagged that is wrong. i know you aren't posting anything tat deserves to be flagged.
the minority of people that are pulling this flagging crap will eventually leave or lose all support from steemit as word spreads of their actions.
I say put them on blast or talk about it like you are doing.
sun is the best disinfectant to bad ideas.

I know that you already know I agree with you since you commented on my post about needing all types of people.

Yes, I loved seeing your post! We do agree.

"My point of view is that if you want to grow the platform, we need all types of people. Every successful social media platform also includes, trolls, spammers, conspiracy people, religious people, feminists, meme lovers, etc."

Yes, and notice how you don't include, and can't include, PORN, into a list of things that is included in growing a social media platform? Zing. See a problem yet? No? Ok keep not looking ;)

Their is censorship for free speech. Not good.
There is censorship for certain behavior and video content. Great.

I also make comments here about this conflation of the types of censorship freedom of information vs. crap content that isn't in any way related to freedom of information: porn.

"Yup, words and information shouldn't be censored really. That doesn't give someone the right to simply yell at you though. You have the right to the safety of your personal space if you did no wrong to another. Threats are also not to be taken lightly. But behavior is different from words, and more so than information. People who live together can agree on certain behavior, and disallow other behavior. Nudity, for example, is not accepted by most. A banned, censored behavior. Some nude beaches have their own rules as well. Some nude places require that everyone be nude, or else you can't go.

Different communities create different rules. Preventing certain behavior, like nudity, or criminal acts like theft, murder, etc., is not a wrong thing to do. Amish communities operate differently than ours, they have different behavior and norms. Steemit can set its own standards as well, as a community."
- Source

"Great points. I agree." - @thecryptofiend

"That's where the argument against porn comes from. It's behavior in the community we allow or don't. It's not information, it's not words. It's porn crap. I argue we shouldn't have it. But it's not like I decide. I'm allowed to say I don't want that shit here though :)"

What do you have against porn?
If you dont like it, dont watch it. Like any other content.

Agreed, if you followed me, you would know my position is just label it and keep the picture out of the thumbnails. As for my personal beliefs they don't really matter, just finding a way we can treat each other with respect.

Excellent points. Honestly, I think it will be a short fad. We will see.

Based on where the votes are coming from and how they create the trends, I wouldn't be so sure about that.

there are millions of porn sites..

Steemit is exceptional...why drag it down to the common standard (i.e...no standard at all)

I still remember when web pages were first coming out... whitehouse.gov was the official White House web page. Yet everyone was getting use to typing .COM. If you went to whitehouse.com that was a porn site. ;)

You've likely heard... "The internet was made for porn". :)

I've been posting on steemit for nearly 6 months without getting flagged. I foolishly dared to question "Pizzagate" and got flagged 18 times in about 10 minutes. Pretty disappointed and hope that this noxious attitude from other platforms such as 4chan doesn't carry across to steemit.

Sorry to disagree, but spammers is not something steemit needs.

Yeah, we don't need them, but we will likely have them from time to time as we grow.

And spammers could be dealt with without requiring a flag that could also be used for opinion and disagreement.

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