See How Things Are Without Paynments, This Is What It Is Like To Post On Other SitessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

See. Now you all now how it feels to not be on steemit. Maybe you will not take it for granted so much. Maybe buy it flowers now and then. This feels like a blackout when you have to light candles and paly cards. So instead of hitting the refresh button every 5 seconds (ya I know you are doing that). Let's get a discussion going. If the steem price shot up to a billion dollars and you didn't have to work another day in your life, what would you do? I would like to go back to school for one.

And use your imagination. Would you travel? A concert you always wanted to see? Let me know in the comments


*my upvotes/rep disclaimer:


That's right. So vote now for the love and see the results later when they fix it! :D

And it's all cat videos on the trending page :p

Thanks for this peaceful interlude while everyone is busy freaking out and losing their junk!

Personally, I'd spend more time gardening and being outside... I would still write a lot, simply because I enjoy exploring ideas via the written word.

In a more global sense, my wife and I would realize our long-time dream of establishing a foundation to give scholarships to artists interested in science, and scientists interested in art... we're very interested in seeing more connection between art/spirituality and science.

Right on!!

Honestly, I would buy a mountain and create a sanctuary for animals and people. The Reiki Forest would become The Reiki Mountain <3

I would devote even more time to providing energy medicine and assistance to those in need. I would grow and share even more vegetables. I would harvest and distribute wild edibles, too.

Of course...I would be offering classes and workshops to empower those interested.

I could go on forever.

There are endless ways that I would be giving Reiki Love and Blessings... <3 and to be financially able to facilitate them to that degree, would be amazing.

Either I am in the very modest Reiki Forest bringing as much love and light to our shared world as I can <3

Much Love and Bright Blessings! Thanks for sharing such a great post, and for reading my comment :)

Happy Steeming! Namaste

I wonder how much a mountain costs...

LOL good post among the 25,000 "what happened!?" Posts.
A billion dollars? I guess I would buy a few cigars 😜

Only a few :p. You know I had a craving for a cigar recently out of the blue. I don't really smoke but for some reason.

@whatageek, I would by one of those compact Mercedes motor homes, load my family in it and drive my friend. Have an awesome one my friend.

Awesome, maybe you can make enough on steem one day to do that, at least take a trip or two.

I would keep doing my posts on Steemit and making my vids on YT. I enjoy the creative process!

Same here, I find money would only help with that, I would have more time and equipment.

This is great! A day without payments!

National No Payment Day, or everyday on other sites :p.

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