Maybe We Should Change The Trending Page To Something Else Temporarily?

in #steemit6 years ago

So I know big changes are coming and we are going to probably going to have a big community page as our new home page on steemit. But maybe, for now, we can do a quick change so the trending page is not what shows up first when people visit the site. There are more and more people unhappy with it. And as much as I agree we need to look at the bigger picture with the update a small change might help keep people more engaged until the update comes.

If possible maybe we can have a contest page instead of a trending page. This way people will see a list of ways they can earn steem when they log on and have a bunch of fun ways to get involved on the site. This can bring in new users who can win contests to build up their account.

It is not a big change. We can keep trending as the second tab and organize the contest page by using the #contest. And if anyone puts a non-contest on there then we can flag it to get it off. I am open to other ideas to for the main page but I think the trending page needs to go, even if it is for now.

Or maybe the update is closer than we think.



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