2 Changes To Get Steemit Ready For The Mainstream, Literally, We Only Need 2

in #steemit8 years ago

Hey everyone,

I just want to put my opinion for how steemit is now and where it should Go. To me the site works fairly well but there are 2 BIG problems hindering it.

1.) Get rid of flags and downvotes. There is a reason why sites like Youtube and Facebook got rid of things like the dislike button, all it does is frustrate people. Flags are designed, by nature, to piss people off. That is what they do. I appreciate what the experiment is doing and respect the users for putting themselves out there to try to help the site when they knew it would give them a lot of a flak from people. But the less tools available that will hurt people the better. And in order for this to work we need number 2.

2.) Flatten the voting curve. That will fix the site. Period. Give the power to the masses and watch the site grow. I can't stress this enough. This is what is holding the site back.

That's it. Extra features will be nice, but I truly think if you fix those two things the site will be 'working' and we can grow from there.


*my upvotes/rep disclaimer: https://steemit.com/steemit/@whatageek/my-steemit-account-where-i-stand-on-bots-self-votes-and-multiple-account


Flagging is absolutely necessary. The only thing worse than a site with flagging would be a site without flagging. It would become chocked and clogged with spam. Flagging also helps identify and lower the reputation of annoying bots.

Let's start by flattening the power curve before even thinking of removing flagging.

I agree concerning flagging. This is absolutely necessary in my opinion, for the very same reasons you mention. Concerning the voting curve, I actually have not definite idea about that.

Can you me an idea of flat power curve works? Im sorry, I have no idea about it also.

hey @juvyyabian, well right now people with a lot of SP have their votes worth A LOT more than people without lower SP. It is how the algorithm is set up. But if it is changed the gap won't be so big and a lower vote will not be worth so much less. I agree that people need reasons to invest and I don't want to punish anyone who worked hard or put money in the system I just feel that too much voting power isn't the place to do it as it is hurting the system.

I agree about flattening the curve first and seeing how it effects the system. I also agree we need to fight spam and plagiarism but maybe there is another way. A better way to filter content perhaps or a way to label work as spam. We need a way to report but only when it is of a serious nature.

Yes I am pretty new here but flagging is a means of moderation as far as I can see.

Agreed and a professional User Interface, that is comparable to the other social media sites.

That will help as well. We are close...

Yes, didn't Steem hire some professionals for UI desigingn? From what i heard.

Hear Hear.Well said.Down with down voting.It's unnecessary.A post is either thought good enough for an upvote or it's not.Opinion made.There are other ways to deal with abusive and inappropriate content.

Agreed, we need a positive system to reward the good that will work well enough to discourage the bad.

Spread the resources.... I agree.

Definitely think flagging should be separate from voting... flagging should be available to help get rid of spam, duplication, copyists, trolls and such...we HAVE to have tools to help keep "crap content" in check.

I'm for flattening the voting curve somewhat, but not to a "one person, one vote" level... "professional" spammers could come in and totally take over the site in a matter of weeks by circle voting each other... seen it happen in places with curation policies that are too liberal.

Agree it doesn't have to be 100% flattened. And yeah a serious system to get rid of spam (and maybe even not pay them) but not one where anyone can bring down a post and where people see a dollar amount one day and then a lower one the next. That will lead to too man angry users. Not saying people don't have the right to do it, just saying it will lead to fights.

I'm also against flags, but how will we fight spam, low quality posts, hate speech....

I think we need to find a better way. You hope that good content getting rewarded would be enough to do it.

I would argue that the UI needs to be prioritized so hopefully it will get the attention it needs soon.

hey @andu, I think we need to fix the curve first but ya, it is definitely important for mass adoption.

Curve or no curve, the uneven distribution of steem will still add a huge gap in the way the daily rewards are awarded. Minnows votes will still be worth close to nothing. Don't get me wrong, the curve needs fixing too. What is happening currently (whales not voting) is driving engagement from all users of the platform. But the UI is driving people away before they are even signing up to vote and benefit from an even curve.

It seems like the voting curve is needed to get people to stay and the UI to get people to join. Good thing we can have both :)

1 flag : for
2 flatten the voting power : for

Your comment: for

User Interface development in the works will be interesting to see woven into the fabric. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I too wonder what it will take to bring my friends over to el capital del Steem. Follow'd and shared this with @Steemtrail in in the Steemit section. For more info on Steemtrail: https://discordapp.com/channels/237494690100936704/257036059802730496

You are so right about down voting. It has been abused everywhere it has been used. It is a greater deterrent to growth than spam.

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