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RE: Steemit We Are An Experiment

in #steemit7 years ago

It's all good mate. I don't really take things to heart over here. We are all different people and we all have different opinions. So things like this I don't really call it fighting, maybe heated up discussions or discussions with a passion.

I still believe that huge amount of bought upvotes are somewhat irritating for the user to determine if that post has real value

Dollar signs (pay out value) don't really have anything to do with the quality of the post or article that is posted because I could be a whale and upvoted myself for 50$ them my other whale friends and relatives who got me on their auto vote will also give me 50$ each. Then there are also these upvote bots.

So yeah in my opinion the posts that are on trending or hot don't mean it is all good quality articles.

Since you touched that subject and you are irritated with it. Maybe you can suggest something to me how to make this tactic of mine better.

Every time I have money for the steemit platform I go and buy steem or sbd at the exchange. I then transfer it to

Now instead of powering up all the steem in one go. I decided to use it to promote or boost my posts using upvote bots. I look at it as hitting 3 birds with one stone.

  1. I am investing in steem (by buying steem at exchange)
  2. I am using it to promote or boost my posts
  3. I am helping out the guys who owns the bots minnowbooster, buildawhale, etc by using their bot

I believe in steem and the future of that is why I am investing in it little by little as long as I have money to put in.

So yeah let me know if my way is harmful to the and please tell me how. And please don't stop there, suggest something, something I could do better

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