in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

satan awareness post, help me transcend this milestone.


ive been on steemit for almost a year. and today i have accrued six hundred sixty six people who follow my blog.


ive been on instagram for over 5 years and have only 450 followers, granted, i dont TRY to get followers on there.

of these 666 people, you would think at least 20% of them would see my blog posts and upvote them. but sometimes i get like 3 views lol. as steemit develops, they will probably improve ways for people to categorize the people they follow so to easier find their posts .

i would like to group all my friends from real life into a feed, and all the #steemskate people into a feed too

i have gotten lucky 🍀 on three of my posts over the course of almost a year.


$80 post


$25 post


the $150 dollar post that blew my mind!

oh yeah i forgot about my intro post!


that $50 intro post got me so hyped. sometimes is discouraging when u only make a couple cents from an hours worth of work but those big ones make it all worth it. its hard to know why those made so much.

its probably because they were resteemed by the right people. something about those posts made people view my material as something important enough to be on steemit.

i think big whales will help out little guys who seem willing to upload good photos of Real stuff from their life.

i guess i just wanna say thanks to you all and i will do my best to support your work as well on steemit.

PS. i am in no way a satanist . i actually am very against satanism because Satanism is why the world 🌎 is so fucked up right now. tune into truth cat 🐈 radio 📻 to learn more lol




I never really understood why 666 was considered some kind of evil number. It seems to me that these conclusions were drawn by people who read the interpretations of other so-called occultists.

Anyways, interesting post.

it started out as something from the roman empire where people had to have a mark on their hand in order to buy or sell goods, called the mark of the beast. i think they used 666


the real black magicians who live in the underground military bunkers, and all their minions really do believe in all this hocus, pocus even if we don't. Q Anon says that symbolism will be thier downfall.




Those Beatles album covers are weird. Is that Alister Crowley? And whats with those baby dolls and all that meat? i think steemit gives you a couple of big payouts in the same way a casino gives you a win now and then. It could be a giant pyramid scheme. You invest your money into Steem Power but you cant withdraw it. Meanwhile your making a few Steem Backed Dollars here and there but only those at the top (whales) are making the real money. And then in a year or so poof it disappears. All good things come to an end.

Yes that is Alister Crowley, a satanist. The Beatles were a tavistock creation.
I didn't invest any money into steem, I have invested a lot of time though.
Can't you withdraw your steem power if you select "Power Down"?
A scary thought, hopefully steemit does well along with the other cryptocurrencies.
Its quite an advanced blockchain. Same with EOS. I think they are good blockchains to be a part of.

It takes 13 weeks to power down, so yeah you can but it takes a while.
Alister Crowley was pretty fucked up individual but he makes for interesting reading, he also climbed some huge mountains without an oxygen supply. I think he was one of the first to attempt k2. He was well into mind over matter.I think the satanist stuff was media BS at the time because the establishment feared him as a cult leader and didn't like his alternative society message. He declared himself leader of the Roscrucians. They didn't like that.

Crowley is old news... You ought to see the Shit that I get away with ; )

Simple Things.png

HIGHLY rEsteemed...
for reasons!

Reach out to Dr. Steve and bring Truth Cat radio over to @steempunkradio. You can be the Producer ; )


Ill try to tune into SteemPunk Radio next time!

Zack I sometimes face similar situation. When I Post my first post on Steemit it was as so discouraging it was as if I should stop posting, may be people never cared to read my post because I am new to Steemit or due to the fact that my followers is very low. Since you said that you have been on Steemit for almost a year, I believe you have gained experience in Steemit that could be of help to me in other to progress on Steemit, please kindly share with me

You have to be original. Your first post's first hashtag should be #introduceyourself and you should write a biography of yourself, why you like steemit, what you are going to use steemit for.

Writing about Cryptocurrencies, which is something EVERYONE here has in common, thats probably the easiest way to get attention.
POST real stuff + PHOTOS from your life in Nigera.

Show the western world what life is like in Nigera.

like this:

these guys are bringing steem to their community.

I really appreciate for replying . I'm going to do just that .

wall i think its your day l

holy crap maybe crytpo is playing off humans greed

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