Steemit Is Like Life In So Many Ways

in #steemit6 years ago

Often comparisons over simplify things, but when you look at life and Steemit, you can't ignore the similarities. 


First of all, life is hard sometimes and unless you were born into a wealthy family, you'll have to work for what you get. That is so true with Steemit. You have to put in the work to get the reward.

Life isn't always fair and that is also the case on Steemit. Every minnow or guppy gets a little annoyed from time to time when they see a lazy and single image post make hundreds of dollars. 

I often read posts from new people saying it isn't fair. Lol, people always say that until they are making a few hundred dollars on lazy and single image posts. Like life, focus on the things you can control. It isn't always fair, but you can still make the most of your situation. 

Life is a mixed bag. So many different people with so many different interests. I honestly learn something new each day from someone in some other country on Steemit. All kinds of people interact and engage on Steemit and that is how life should be.

Life isn't lived in an instant, it's true value comes over time. All life is precious, but some people stand out during their lifetimes. People like Elon Musk and people like the local teacher who taught for fifty years. People have a way of inspiring other lives. 

Steemit's value comes over time as well. As the crypto battle happens, Steem's importance will be amplified over several years and hopefully decades. Some people will stand out on Steemit and inspire others. 

Steemit is a microcosm of life the way it is meant to be. People pleasant and up lifting. People earning off of engaging with others and providing valuable information.  Sharing life experiences and one's valuable point of view. 

Steemit is a lot like life, but in a lot of ways it is what life could be on the blockchain. I'm sure that will be interrupted by regulations and laws at some point, but for now we get a glimpse of what a free life really looks like. Only time will tell if we can keep it alive.

Thank you for reading.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Live Life... Share it on Steemit


Steemit is a microcosm of life the way it is meant to be. People pleasant and up lifting.

Real life is like Steemit, except instead of "upvotes" to receive "STEEM" rewards, we receive "attaboys" in the minds of the people we interact with and receive "ESTEEM" rewards, which pays back great political capital. There is nothing more valuable than a good name! @ironshield

Yes!!! Well put. Thanks for the awesome reply and you are very correct. I really appreciate your replies. Thank you!

i had to take a step back from steemit. now I am taking a step forward again.

it is anarchy here. part of me loves it. part of me fears it.

how interesting to see the other side of the coin, the one the elite live on, to let go control is a tricky thing, to trust that things will work themselves out. faith is an interesting thing, it can change your perception of everything, but like eye glasses, they don't work if you don't use them.

Very accurate post. Your comparisons are spot-on. I have been here for about 2 months now and I have experienced most of the things you mentioned.

Thank you so much and you are doing great for being here 2 months. Nice work. You got a new follower.

Thank you! Could the rumors be true? Stay thirsty my friend.

Great post man keep working hard and posting quality post and that $100 post will come thats what i'm pushing for!

Thank you guys! I appreciate it. You all got a new follower.
I've had a few do pretty well, but always looking for that big one. lol

The rewards in life are always sweeter when the seeds grows on their own volition.

That is true! Love that.
I appreciate the reply and taking the time to read. You got a new follower.

Wow! @walkingkeys, I totally feel where you're coming from on this! I'm always seeking instant gratification. Life just isn't that generous though, most of the time...
Just gotta keep on keepin on!
So glad @givonwayne resteemed this so I could find it! I'm on your follow-ship now! LOL!

Starting out on steemit as a newbie is really hard and discouraging if you’re the type that gives up easily. You will be making cents on posts you pour your heart out and take time to craft.
I keep on telling myself that better days are coming beacuse Rome wasn’t built in day. Those earning more now also passed through my current stage so I have faith that things will get better. Thank you once again for the inspiration @walkingkeys

Sometimes I get the feeling I jumped on to the Steemit train too late. I see a lot of talk about quality content and how it will bear fruit in time, but there is also single image post, self-voting, closed communities waging flag wars. It is a long way from properly organized.But this is the system installed by the founders of Steemit and like a minnow, dolphin or whale you have to learn to swim in it.

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