Differences Steemit With Facebook and Bitcoin?

in #steemit8 years ago

Yops ... time steemit! Hoyaa !! If you are there follow the articles before about Steemit then we already know that Steemit is a new-media social innovation. But so what the heck distinguishing between Steemit with other social media such as: Facebook? and if there are any similarities or differences between Steemit with Bitcoin?

First of all, social media is Steemit that run on blockchain technology, as well as kayak and Ethereum Bitcoin. The three main roles blockchain is transparency, decentralization and has a unit value token cryptocurrency. Facebook does not run on blockhain technology, so it is centralization, where he has owner who has a website and set as he worked.

While decentralization menacing Steemit has no owner. Likewise with all access to the private key, key posts, reward key and key owner, only known to its owner only. So when we signed in Steemit, the new password to the account that we registerkan it is our own and can not be reset again by anybody in this world. Therefore if you forget your password, no sesiapun who can get it back.

Apart from that, what is taking place on Steemit system is transparent, so that all activities that occur in steemit platform can be monitored by the user above blockchain. In contrast to Facebook where there are several aspects that can not be reached by the user.

Maybe we'll start questions wondering how this steemit platform can control the evolution of technology. Actually blockchain technology which is implemented by Steemit is the same as BitShares, where each user has a key (key) that can determine the (voting) what will happen to the system (proposal, worker and Witnesses)

Talk more in depth about how the system rewards steemit, need to know first that the site works Steemit web wallet: a wallet that stores rewards its users. When we post, voting, commenting or she interacts openly betting on blockchain Steemit. So sites steemit is actually just a website interface.

If someone starts posting something steemit content on the site and got the rewards, we might begin to ask how blockchain steemit which has no owner can determine who will there be to get rewards? The answer is ... based on the quality upvote from readers. If the quality we post something on Facebook, maybe we will get a positive reply comments and likes, but we did not get monetary rewards (money). While in Steemit, we get rewards for content that we posting in unit value and Steem Steem Dollar Power.

Steemit is a very interesting system because the two parties who post content, and that gives a vote on that content will receive rewards for his efforts. For that you should not have to write that content content class worldwide to receive rewards, tp with new content just looking for content that you think could be potentially great and then voting on the content he or she can For your rewards. The sooner we vote on content that has great potential, the faster we rewards the value of the content. If not mistaken 50-50 revenue sharing between content authors and people who mengvoting.

Now a new question arises again that might make you think of where this money come from? How Steemit can give rewards to the author, the voters and the miner who maintain the stability of this network function? Well .. so the concept of working all of this work is equally seems like Bitcoin. As we all know that ... Bitcoin pay the miner through subsidies that are generated through the creation of a new Bitcoin who basically do not come from anywhere, just like a company issues something new shares to fund the project. Due Bitcoin do the same thing like that, then Steemit also inspired by the concept of pay content For content that is posted by a person and also to supporters.

Due Steemit is blockchain distinguished based on the concept of social media then there will be some features that distinguish it Steemit Blockchain with Bitcoin. One of its features is Steem Dollar. The purpose of steem dollar is because ... most sources of users who sign in Steemit coming from the background (background) that do not know cryptocurrency. And of course, they want reward is denominated in dollars. They do not want to speculate on the ups and downs of asset values ​​cryptocurrency, then to the present steem dollar as the unit value that has a value that is equivalent to the dollar.

Another thing that makes this technology unique is Steemit he has the ability to deal with large-scale transactions and quick reply (3 seconds per transaction block). When someone creates a social media platform, it requires a large-capacity internal network and steemit which has a capacity that magnitude would reply even superior to Reddit. Something more important Steemit related technologies are all transactions that occurred in blockchain steemit is free.

If Bitcoin apply alogrith proof of concept work is objective, then Steemit apply alogrith proof of concept work that is subjective. In the concept of rewarding Bitcoin, the miner must pay energy (electricity + hardware) for Bitcoin mining .. while in Steemit, each post articles and articles interactions which produce rewards for its users. What happened indirectly in this case is that he will be causing any networking effects that will attract the attention of netizens across the globe. Imagine all that quality topics posted on the site at any time Steemit will continue to pack the google search that later For long-term future will further increase the value Steemit platform itself.

Yops ... final words ... there is no excuse for netizens do not suppose anyone you not to join the Platform Steemit which does not require capital in the slightest. I said this is caused by anything because the effort that you put into social media platforms Steemit, sy believe will produce the end result.


It's good to learn information about steem it and its platform, application, and implications. I stumbled upon the after researching cryptocyrrencies and block chains and trying to distinguish real from not real in the virtual world. That is always a quest of mine. To determine real from not real. In my mind everything is possible because I see and hear stuff that can't possible exists yet there they are clear as day or clear as a whistle. So I have come to love steem its community and unique voice and art and tone of dialogue because it's artistic and whimsical. It's like Reddit,facebook, Pinterest, twitter, etc. for the people who don't quite fit into those worlds. I am too ramble for twitter 160 characters is too few for my kind winded comments, My picture taking skills are not fine tuned enough for Pinterest, Facebook I feel stalks it's users into conforming to their happy birthday everybody day standards, and Reddit freaks me out because I always be wondering where people get their prompts from. This community of media is real. Like real voices from real people... I enjoy that.

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