My Mission To Spread Steem

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


College kids have it rough now adays with their heavy tuition demands and what not. They don't have a lot of time to work for money, and if they do they only make a sliver of anything. I believe the best solution is a Steem movement!

Any College Students

I would like to invite any college students to create a group at their universities and connect through Steem. I would like to propose individuals to seek out 5 - 10 peers in order to motivate people to get on Steem.

Persuasion Techniques

  1. Show them your rewards, show them the potential of rewards. Go to and show them your value, your upcoming value.

  2. Explain to them how they can accrue money. Explain Steem Power and how a close nit circle can empower each other to rise up.

  3. It's pretty obvious we need some money man! Also, it stimulates pupils to seek out information on their own. This is the most important thing a student of life can learn and we are all pupils to Life.

  4. Talk about the upcoming connections between Universities that could skyrocket their account if done correctly!

  5. Explain how it can be therapeutic.

  6. Tell them all that they can learn, and how specifically!

  7. Preach the possibility to become a full Steemian and walk away from the conventional lifestyle!

If enough people get involved in this mission, I will attempt to reach out to some bigger accounts in order to get some eyes turning toward this action!

I live in Ohio and attend Kent State University, I would love to spread to OSU, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Akron, all over man!

Please! If anyone interested in getting a group together and integrating Universities, comment below with your name and University, Join the Discord channel below if you're interested and we can talk about more details!


After a substantial foundation is created, we can begin to accumulate funding for groups, purchase merchandise and market to nearby Universities, or reach out to local communities.

Empower Us Together

Join Me

Create friends, create connections, and prosper through life with happiness and true wealth.

Comment below, give love with upvotes and Don't Stop Steeming you Hooligans!


Showing friends or rather peers your reward in order to motivate them is not really a great idea persay I have done the same and I discovered that the ones that would join will still join with or without you showing them.

Thank you for your input. That is only one small suggestion to show. I would emphasize the freedom Steem brings!

Appreciate your feedback!

Several people I've told about steem they seem to find it too difficult or confusing to understand or use so they bail or get an account and then do nothing. Money seems to only motivate momentarily, not unlike when attempting to start being a YouTuber.

Prefer people who are already content creators already doing the writing and editing. This is simply another great place to post their content

That's an extremely fair point. That's why I sort of pick my seeds carefully. Not everybody is within this niche. Creators especially should be targeted. Forget the money, that should not be the main reason to do it. It will fade. Encouraging through the initial period is huge, as not many votes come their way. Having a group in person will allow people to give tutorials as well. It's much better!

I appreciate your comment. Really good feedback and point!

Hey thank you very much :D

The idea has merit....and i will help out... because:

Rad man! Thanks!

I would like to show my friends my steemit but since im still new, I dont have any rewards to show them. I mean of course, I can show them the whales rewards but they will think its fake and facebook being a easy platform for them. One day, they'll come.

I think this is a great idea... but as a fairly new user I know myself I am struggling to navigate my way around... while I'm slowly getting there, there is still a number of things I don't understand and can't figure out. User help seems quite limited I think. I would love to see this platform adopted by a lot more people though!

Thanks for your input! It is not exactly the most simple technology to understand. It will grow on you, I am still learning tools and methods to increase traffic activity, optimize viewers, and keep up to date with my stats. If you have any questions, please feel excited to ask!

Keep Steeming :D

Oh I have no idea what I'm doing... lol, and no idea on increasing traffic etc... I just continue to post, comment and follow others. The rest is hurting my head in trying to understand. I wish someone would do a post which simplifies it all for us "dummies". : )

For a different perspective, please check out my post on how to get a college education for free.

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