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RE: Did FACEBOOK just CENSOR me for linking to STEEMIT - like they did with TSU? Anyone seen that?

in #steemit7 years ago

hmm... seems like i need to start looking for the theoretical weedyon :)


Just hop on the quark express, bro!

hmmm. raiders of the lost quark.. i think i have a name for my new album :)

Just watch out for the space debris!

(Here comes some of the promised weirdness... one of my tracks from like 2012)

nicely weird, yeah - i could hear some live cello or something similar on top of it in places - get the strings out :)

I made a bunch of that drivel for a few months, assembled it into albums, and actually sold some back then, even charted on german electronica radio briefly and got fan mail lololol Germans are whack, if they thought this stuff was "fan worthy" hehe.
Ok, Im off to go over to the cabin and let my dogs out... (im at my office in town now)
Talk to ya later Ura, and see you in the steem!

"screw my fans, they're idiots" - haha, you are a megastar in the making for sure :)

OMG, did it sound like that? Yeah. it did, didn't it. LOL. Oops!

it could be a lot worse i assure you ;)

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