Upvote Shares Level 5 Sold Out!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Level 5 shares have been assigned to their new shareholders ~4 days after the level opened up and everything has gone pretty streamlined again. Thanks Everyone!

I was quite busy during the weekend so I still have to make some replies and assign some of the minnowhare sponsorships.

Next sunday I will make the full report completing this level after which the upvotes will pretty much run on their own until the account reaches 1371 SP

All voting percentages were adjusted to the new level. I originally set the upvotes to 6% (3.33% is minimum promised 1000%/300 Shares). This showed to be a bit too conservative so I changed it to 7%. It will get harder each round to work with round percentage numbers because the gap always increases as more shares become available. I will see how it goes and adjust them accoringly.

10% has been added to the account on top of the Steem that has been send for the shares (17.5 STEEM) and it currently has 1347.5 SP + 949Leased SP (50x 0.300 STEEM was fully used to get another 90 day delegation of 261.229 SP). The 130SP lease from Level 2 is about the expire which will bring the total SP of the account at around 2166SP.

Each share represents an equal % of the Powered Up SP in the account. This puts the base value for each share at the start of Level 5 at (1347.5 SP/ 300 Shares) = 4,49 STEEM

List of All Shareholders

-Future Giveaways13--
-Burned Shares2--

Next Posts
29/10/2018 Level 5 100% Complete
31/10/2018 Level 5 Maintenance
05/10/2018 Level 6 Reservations

Make sure to let me know if I made any mistakes or I somehow missed out on your reply! There is still time left to re-assign some shares in this level before it completely closes down next week.

As always, all the earnings from this post will be used to grow the account which benefits all shareholders and helps us to reach the next level!

Thanks !


Now I'm ready to buy one more share 😊 thanks for the updates, thank you @roleerob, @tryskele and @angelacs for your supports

Your most welcome @cicisaja.

"Now I'm ready to buy one more share"

For what it's worth, I think you are making a good investment in your Steem future! 😊👍

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't want to missed out anything on steem 😊 because that's all I have from all the post I created and engagement I built on Steemit. I'm thinking about investing on other cryptocurrencies such as bitcoins or etherum but.. I don't have enough money yet. Maybe next year when everything run smooth and fruitfull.

Yes, @cicisaja ...

"... smooth and fruitful ..."

We have hope. Very powerful. And I love the word fruitful ...

Just "keep on keepin' on" ... 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

I can reserve you 1 share for Level 6 if you want @cicisaja, there is no obligation to take it up once it becomes available and it will guarantee you a spot. Shares are limited and 25 of 50 Level 6 shares have already been reserved if I kept good track. Just let me know

Yes.. please @upvoteshares... let me know what should I do next to claim my share😊

Level 6 will only open up when the account reaches 1371SP which is expected to happen in about 30 days from now. I have your share reserved and will send a message when it will become available. Thanks

You're very welcome, @cicisaja!!!

And so proud that you're investing in your Steem future by buying shares for yourself too. This complements all the work you're doing investing your time and energy here!!!

I will do like you and the others do @angelacs 😊 at least I can support other through the shares too

You're already doing so much to help many Steemians and you'll be able to help so many more as you consciously and deliberately invest in growing your account to the top of STEEM, @cicisaja.

I'll be cheering you on and supporting you as you grow up to be an Orca or Whale....whichever you choose!!! Yayyyy!!! LOTS of fun times ahead!!!

Thank you so much for your support @angelacs 😊 I'm so happy that I met you and many gorgeous people who always have encouraging words and optimistic expectation on me. I'll do my best to be an Orca or even a whale if you are with me 😊

You're Welcome, @cicisaja!

I've been Blessed interacting and getting to know you as you STEEM travel around, talking to everyone and supporting with your compliments and sincerity. I also LOVE your foodie posts, even though I think I miss some of them sometimes.

I'm with you!!!! ;)

Very good @upvoteshares/ @costanza.

Onward and upward! 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Excellent! I'm still deciding who are going to receive my Minnowshares. I'll try to get it done tonight. :-)

No rush @trincoswki
It will be next monday when this level gets 100% completed and when the minnowshares account upvote list recycles.

Hello there! I've made my choices. Here are the 10 users that will receive a MinnowShare each:


Perfect @trincowski !
They will all be send a message and start receiving upvotes next monday.

Please can I still get a level 5 share?

All level 5 shares are out, I can reverse you a spot in Level 6 if you want and send a message when they become available. Jut let me know.

Sounds good! I'll take one

done, I'll make sure to send you a message when it's available

This is my first participation so I am truly excited! However, I am still unsure how the @minnowshares sponsorship works. Do I have to nominate someone in the program? Please clarify. Thanks!

ok, @upvoteshares is basically a program for people who have a longer term mindset on steemit to support themselves in the first place. In order to make the program also help minnows on this platform there is a seperate @minnowshares account that has 500SP in it. Each of the 50 shares from the @upvoteshares account every level comes with a minnowshare. it has to be sponsored to a minnow (<750SP) an will give them daily upvotes for as long as the level lasts (usually 30 days) to that minnow. Everyone who gets sponsored multiple times will be able to get a free share from the @upvotehsares account (paid for by the program).

The way the program works best is to get at 1 or more Upvoteshares each level and each time sponsor the same minnow friend. That helps to build your own post upvotes over time while also helps a friend grow on the platform increasing the chance they stick with it.

Only accounts with <750SP or those who already have been sponsored and you can give maximum 2 sponsorships in the same level to the same steemian.

So you can choose freely the accounts who you want the sponsorships to go to. just let me know before next week monday.

I hope this clears it out.

It does clarify, thanks! I will respond before the due date.

So I will use my @upvoteshares sponsorship of @minnowshares for @gamercrypto. Let me know if I need to do anything else at this point. I look forward to the continue progress of this interesting project!

You have in total 5 sponsorships to give away and you can give a maximum of 2 to the same person. I assigned 2 to @gamercrypto and you have 3 left to sponsor if you want.

Sorry about that! I would also sponsor 2 for @hashcash and 1 for @craftingmom. Thanks!

Noted, thanks.
There is nothing else you need to do now :)

Sorry I missed the Level 5 roll-out post four days ago, @Constanza/ @upvoteshares. Internet connection was down in our community since early Saturday morning and just came back.

If you could reserve the same five for Level 6 that I'd confirmed in your Level 5 reservation post that I'd take up, plus another five, I'd appreciate.

Congratzzz on another solid roll out!!!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

No problem, I reserved you 5 for Level 6 and will send a message before they become available.

Wonderful, @Constanza/ @upvoteshares! Thank you.

If you can also reserve another five, for a total of ten at Level 6, to allow me to 'catch up' on what I missed last week, I would appreciate. My owned SP will be at the level required to match that by then.

Also, would it be possible for me to pay in advance for half of those ten shares at the end of this month?

I'll give you the 5 shares you reserved for level 5 now and reserve 5 more for next level if that's ok. (I filled the reservations myself just to have everything in the account, but the level only closes down when the post is made where it's 100% complete so you still have time to take up those reservations if you want)
Just let me know who you want the 5 minnowshare sponsorships to be assigned to before Next monday and send the 19 Steem (5x3.80) whenever you can. I've set you upvote % to 70% already.

Thanks @angelacs

That's perfect, @Constanza/ @upvoteshares. Thank you so much.
I'll be buying up my monthly Steem within a couple days and will send over the 19 Steem immediately after.

Please distribute the five @Minnowshares to:

Thanksssss again!!!

Just sent 19 STEEM payment for the five Level 5 @UpvoteShares, @Constanza. I should have asked if I was to send it to you but didn't. Sent to @UpvoteShares to be safe. I hope that was correct.

Thank you again for your usual very kind patience and consideration. Am very happy all over again. This has become a lovely monthly experience. ;)

Thank you @angelacs, sending to the @upvoteshares account was fine, I received it. Great to hear you are satisfied with the program so far. I expect it to really shine in a couple of years :) Especially these early levels should provide some great value over time while the send steem can be recovered at an given time.

Yes, it's the specificity of the @UpvoteShares and @MinnowShares program details that you've worked out for several years ahead that I love, @Constanza!

You've set it all out. No guessing and wondering around lost. And you link to every important past stash of information. AND that information is easy to distill so participants can effectively plan.

I must sound like a broken record by now, but I truly appreciate the thought, vision and effective implementation of each step that you have invested in the success of these complementary programs.

But it is your kindness and thoughtfulness and love that is the essential sweetness running through it all. Thanksss again, @Constanza!!!

Thanks for the kind words @angelacs, you really understand how this works see how sick the level of transparacy and longer term return can be if you stay posting on Steemit.

This is one of the things I miss in nearly all 'support programs' where (purely based on the numbers), members or shareholders are most of the time giving support to the program instead of the other way around and scaling is seen from the angle of increasing the amount of members instead of increasing the value for members. Few have the longer term vision to see through these mechanics.

I'm really looking forward to how this all plays out in a coupe years from now. I also like how minnowbuilder extended the idea and is using it as a way to support and encourage smaller accounts.

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