in #steemit6 years ago

Most common version – 16:8
eat stop eat.jpg
Hello Steemians,
probably the most popular option is fasting for 16 hours (including sleep), which is usually easy to do on an LCHF (low carb hight fat)diet. It only requires trading breakfast for a cup of grean tea (or some other non-caloric fluid) and having lunch as the first meal of the day. Fasting from 8 pm to 12 noon – for example – equals 16 hours of fasting.

Of course there are many other variations of intermittent fasting, my day starts very early, but working in the afternoon till late, anyway you do it, it’s effective, easy to do and does not require counting calories, one reason I like it. :)

What to drink during fasts?

During a fast you can’t eat, but you should definitely drink. Water is the drink of choice, but coffee and tea are also great options. During longer fasts it can be wise to add a little salt too, or drink bouillon.

This is how it works for me:

  • Fast 16 hours every day.

  • Eat within an 8-hour window every day:
    -5 am getting up
    -8 am breakfast
    -11 am snack a lot of fruit
    -2 pm big lunch
    -4 pm roasted vegetables or soup and a veggi protein bar for tea
    -10 pm sleeping

  • Use 10 g of BCAA before or during your exercise session.

  • On your exercise days, eat 2-3 big meals of veg protein (or meat)and carbs.

  • Eat your largest meal directly after your workout.

  • Eat mostly whole, minimally processed foods, cooked or precooked by yourself, the only way of knowing what's inside.

I already did this last year, while exercising weight lifting and I felt fine.

What do you think of this diet? Do you have experience with this one?
Do you know a better diet youself? Please let us know! :)
So we get stronger and fitter together!:)

Thank you for joining me on my journey, soon I will be summing up a full day of eating!
Please follow me if you don't want to miss out great recipes and workouts


It's UP2U


Nice Diet! :) I like it! Keep it up! Looking forward for your next update on your Sixpack journey! :)

Always so nice you are! ;) HAHA

Thank you, I'll try at least posting once a week....

OK nice :) Good luck with the project!

Hi nice post. As always! :) funny pic
Looking forward to your next recipes. :)

Thank you! Yesterday I baked some cale crisps, I loved them, no carbs at all, are you interested?

Yes of course! Show us :)

My normal fasting period is 16:8 too. The only difference is that I have my breakfast at 11:00 am, and my last meal is at 7:00 pm. Once a week I do 18 hours, especially if I had a large lunch.
So far I lost 22 pounds.
Have you tried to do the low carb with fasting? It’s like magic.
My abs are a little shy but I’m loving it!

wow that is amazing, 22 pounds, in what period of time?
The last few weeks I was very much into biscuits, now I try no carbs especially NO SUGAR to brake this habit...

8 months. I also avoid processed foods, sticking to real food. I did not throw away any food, I just stopped buying them.
But now, if I go to a party I will eat cake, sweets, all the junk. And I only drink in special occasions.

8 month, that's healthy dieting :)
There must be space for enjoing life and celebrating with friends, but I'm not a fan of sweets, they are so bad for you...

Yep! Worked hard. I’m not crazy about sweets, but a nice flan in a party I would not reject. Ahahaha
I have no more cookies, artificial flavored foods, or sugar products in the house.
My husband loves ice cream, and my teen daughter loves chocolate, I just stopped buying them. They survived.

I like your style :) hahaha

I’ve had my best success with IF. Thanks for the simple explanation, so we can learn and grow together.

We are just beginning a Fitness Community called @steemfit4life with a goal of building and promoting the community. I’m resteeming this on our page. We’ve not yet announced this group, but will within the next week hopefully. Starting small :)

We’ve also just started a discord server. Feel free to stop by and help us get it going!

hallo AnneMarie, thank you for the invitation to steemfit4life! I agree we need a strong community on steemit, fitness is not as big as it should be on steemit. Let me know, how to support u best

Thank you @up2you! We’re getting the page looking nicer, will begin resteeming quality fitness posts. So, the best way currently is to continue doing what you’re doing—creating great content!

I’m getting the discord server up and running, so the next step is to join me there and start building the community—sharing your ideas for the community, asking questions, answering questions, sharing others posts that are quality and need to be discovered in the fitness community and sharing your own!

Great job recapitualting that diet, wich by the way i've never heard of, correct me if i'm wrong, but it's not very suitable for ppl who train 5-6 days a wekk, right?

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