Why Steemit will beat Facebook!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Why Steemit will beat Facebook on the long term

Since the launch in March 2016, Steemit is BOOMING. Together with other crypto currencies and assets, there seems to be no end to the growth of blockchain technology. Is the sky really the limit or are we living in a bubble? Here are some reasons below why I think Steemit can really beat Facebook on the long term.

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1. It’s a decentralized platform.

Because Steemit is entirely based on a blockchain, it appears to be the first social media platform without censorship and the intervention of third parties using this information for commercial purposes. The content added on Facebook is stored on the servers owned by Facebook itself. This central controlled and ownership of all data from the users is a risk and may be (or already is) exploited by Facebook itself. Eventually it is the commercial purposes the shareholders of Facebook benefit from. However, this is at the expense of users and their privacy. The users will eventually realize this and will switch to privacy secured networks like Steemit.

2. It will attract a new target audience.

I think Steemit will attract a large new audience. A audience who wants to add something valuables to the internet. When I scroll through Steemit I see an audience that has something to add on the web. People who want to share their thoughts and interests are massively joining Steemit, a new audience that can't find its pleasure on Facebook. Besides that Facebook nowadays consists out of brainless teenage kids only liking meme's. No one is interest in each other story anymore and this will be a main reason for declining visitor numbers on Facebook. Those people will search for another medium and that will maybe accelerate the growth on Steemit.

3. Money, money, money.

After all we want to make money while adding content to a website. Steemit rewards the original poster with Steem digital currency. There is nothing better than earning money while posting content you like. For example, a lot of girls are posting their outfits on their Instagram/Facebook blogs without earning real money from the content. They are only earning money (if they even do) with sponsorships and not with the views and likes on the content. This also relates to reason two, the ability to earn money with adding content will attract a large new audience. Steemit adds value to the content people post and are liked by the crowd. I think this will be a major reason for Steemit to grow and attract new users.

At last I think that Steemit will have a long way to beat Facebook and I doubt if it ever will, but for now it looks very promising. Steemit is still not a real social network and more like a blog website but I think the underlying idea of Steemit (a decentralized social network) will be picked up by the crowd soon or late. Besides that Steemit is evolving very quickly and has a good-looking roadmap to develop in the future. I’m sure Steemit will attract more users when they keep innovating and they create a social platform for everyone. There is a lot of demand for a platform where anyone can post what he or she wants without being monitored by the company (uhum Facebook) itself.

Disclaimer: I am not a native English speaker, I hope you enjoyed my post and we can share ideas. In the future I will add more content about investing in crypto currencies, the stock market and just general stuff I am interested in.

Lets keep this scene BOOMING!
Don't forget to resteem it, if you like it.

(21 years)


Interesting article! Steemit will definitely be serious competition for other social platforms at some point. #upvoted #follower @unknowncrypto @sergej.stein

i use so many site but its looks so strong platform and i wish it will more and more popular as day pass..

This is the exact reason I joined with Facebook, Twitter constantly censoring people along with banning me for having an opinion I am done with it. This site is not an echochamber, great people and a chance for money sure I am in lol

Great to hear @jery43, lets share Steemit!

Great post @unknowncrypto, my wife is a big fan of Indtagram and Facebook, but as she sees me posting stories about our travel and earning money from it she is slowly turning away from Instagram. Plus I meet new people here and it is much more fun than posting only for friends on Facebook page.

Soon I will register her on Steemit ;)

Thank you @yuriks2000, I do agree with you. My girlfriend is also active on Instagram and I definitely going to tell her about Steemit. I think the earnings will attract a lot of people. Besides that I enjoy the interaction and meeting people in the subjects I like.

I hope Facebook gets replaced it has turned into a monopoly that exists to push unhinged agendas. Closed my account forever!

@mother2chicks I hope it to, Facebook has too much power. Especially on the censoring and privacy.

@unknowncrypto Very True..Steem has the potential of future replacing Facebook.

@colloulemsee Nice to hear like-minded people :)

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