AutoSteem 1.1 Release - Updates and Features + Gallery

in #steemit8 years ago

An updated version of AutoSteem is already online with many improvements. The new feature I like best is the new photo gallery in the photos view.

I had a very exciting time releasing AutoSteem to the Steemit community this week and so happy to see such a huge response!

How to Use Autosteem?

If you haven't tried it yet, or had any troubles with autovoting, please do give it a try now. My release post about it showing its main features is just below, with a video demo and otherwise link to the app, below that.

New Features

Many people gave suggestions and some reported and helped me work out a few bugs as well. Here is a summary of some of the changes and what you can expect in Autosteem 1.1 now.

Options Window

The options window now masked out your posting key, so it doesn't show up in your browser. This is also set to tell the browser NOT to remember it for you, which helps secure it further. Thanks to @tuck-fheman for the first suggestion for this!

Blog View Filters

The blog view now has a content filter for tag, alone with the other fields. So, you can type a tag name in to instantly filter out all the blogs in your view. Thanks to @everythink for this suggestion!

Photo View Gallery

The photo view is great, and NOW you can click a photo from a blog and view all of those photos as its own full screen gallery. Finally, a great way to view images from steemit at larger sizes!

It has a prev and next button so you can view the images from that author's story and you can even upvote it directly in the top right corner if you feel the need!

This works with every image and will view them up to full screen and you simply click to show, click to hid any image in the Photo View, its that easy!

Filter Save

The filter page no longer has a save button as it isn't needed. Everything in AutoSteem saves for you automatic and so any change you make to your filter is immediate. You can simply make your change and bam, it is already applied!

Vote Queue

First of all. A major bug was fixed with the vote queue and autovoting. So, it actually works now. Thanks to the help of @catto000 for testing this and being so patient with me. Awesome!!!

The Vote Queue has another improvement, by showing you a message when it is paused because you are maintaining your vote power. During this time, autovoting will stop and wait for the vote power to regenerate.

The vote queue shows a small icon now beside the actions. This indicates which vote is being checked in the background. It will simply move thorugh the list of votes, as it updates the vote, payout and comments counts.

Vote History

The Vote History button above the voting Queue, shows you any posts that have been autovoted. So, you can easily review what autosteem votes for you to go add comments or see it in more detail. Heck, you can even go remove that vote if you wanted to manually at each link.

As well, the vote history is now saved so when you reload the Autosteem webpage, your vote history is still remembered.

The vote history table now shows in the last column, how long ago the vote was made, instead of when the story was created.

Clear History

I've also add a button to Clear the history if you want to leave and come back, only seeing the newly autovoted posts. Makes it easy to review changes and new votes, similar to the views where you can clear the pages.

Followers / Following Load Buttons

When you load the followers and following pages now, the button text changes, simply to know it is working and fetching the list. Since loading the tables, takes a few seconds, this simply shows an indication when it is working.

Bug Fixes / Minor Changes

  • Autovoting had a nasty bug I fixed thanks to the help of @catto000. The min/max comments was not working correctly so votes were being cleared before the autovote. So, autovotes are fixed and working properly now.
  • The console output (for developers) shows votes that are voted now
  • The console output (for developers) shows votes removed from the vote queue
  • Manual Upvotes were not working. Several fixes made to correct this
  • Sometimes votes could get stuck in the voteQ if it was manually removed, but had just been autovoted at the same time before the list refreshed.
  • Categories on the filter page have been renamed to Tags, for consistency.
  • Votes in the vote queue now have the payout, votes and comments properly colored if a new vote is ABOVE your max values so you see it before it gets cleared. It was always coloring based on the lower limits before.
  • Added some tooltips in the filters and voting page

Known Issues

  • If you set your voting percentage below 100% but haven't gained enough steem power for the vote slider yet in steemit then your votes will not work in autosteem. You'll have to keep it at 100% voting power until you earn that slider.
  • Browser Crash when large photo and blogs views have not cleared, gets a bit slow.

Roadmap / Next Features?

I've love to hear people thoughts on the next features to come. I don't have a set roadmap, but I do have lots of ideas. Here are a few on my list, please comment (if you didn't already mention them in my last release post) any of these that are of interest so I know. Also, add your own ideas for me to think about.

  • tracking mentions from within posts (@mattclarke and @countrygirl, tell me more about what you want for this? Oh wait, you might not see this mention, haha! )
  • vote following another user (up to X votes per day or voting power)
  • Auto-vote my followers (with some limits?)
  • Always vote authors list (skip filters?)
  • multiple autovote filters with different settings / voting from each
  • show changes to follow lists (who's new, who's gone) since last use
  • autoload content without browser running (votes happen later then as well)
  • filter out small images

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 69508.29
ETH 3366.22
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74