Ad SPAM - open Letter to SNED and the Steemit Wales and whoever else is responsible for this nonsense...

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

sned .jpg

Dear @ned and the rest of the steemit big wigs.

Thank you for once again disrespecting us, the content creators of the platform. So now you are littering our content with advertisements, may I remind you that you are making your money off of us? Not the shitposters you still allow to litter the platform. How many of us real content creators do you think you can keep on the platform like this ? Our feedback is constantly ignored, we are seldom informed about major changes to the platform and are just presented with what ever new crap idea you come up with to further ruin what could have been something special. If you are going to litter our pages with your ads at least cut us in and give us a percentage of that, although i personally would rather have no ads at all on my page (especially not the targeted intrusive ads you are presenting us with). You need an attitude change my dears because people are going to leave. We are already a complete ghost town compared to a year ago, and most of us remaining here are very disillusioned and far from the hopeful and inspired crew we were when this venture started. If this does not make you at least a bit sad you really are not worth the bother …


Image powered by @enginewitty


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I'm finding these Ad things getting obtrusive and distracting too.


see you in Room 237? otherwise known as ???????
We dont have to accept their reality!!!
It is literaly a simulated reality and ads are worth nothing if they are not seen!!!

don't the posts end up here too though ? no matter where we post them ...

Yeah, they do.
But as we have said before it is what exsists between rooms 217 and 237 that is important and what will transend time and space!! The rooms are just rooms.
I am just 1 in many many steemit users, but its still stands that adspace seen by less people is worth less, and one of the only things I can control in this digital realm is what I choose to see. I choose not to see that shit!! I dont wanna big it up until ive really tried it for a bit, but busy seems logical!!
... the ads are also a very symbolic gesture of ownership too!! ... even if they dont realise it! The landlord just decided it was ok to sell adspace on the inside of the house!!!

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
The resteem was paid by @summertooth
Check @resteembot's introduction post or the other great posts I already resteemed.

I got something similar coming.

Posted using Partiko Android

Now the platform looks like a food catalog. This unexpected changes are so unnecessary and impractical.

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