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RE: Add Trials by Jury to Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

That is an interesting idea. It would be a lot of effort/expense to compensate multiple jurors to review a flag that only had a $1 impact so the threshold you mentioned might need to be pretty high to make this concept practical. Your judgement reputation concept may be very necessary too because a completely random jury selection that isn't based on steem power seems like it could be problematic as it gives more importance to the number of accounts someone controls which may not accurately represent the stake they have in steem doing well. I recently posted an idea of my own about steeminator power which you might find interesting.


Yeah I realized that the judgement reputation is totally necessary from @timcliff to stop Sybil attack.

Someone with a higher judgement reputation would also cast more weight on flags, triggering the threshold faster.

Also, I think that reviewing a $1 impact case would be pretty quick and not take a lot of resources. This system will end flag wars and false flags. The better the trail system is in the first place, the less it actually needs to be used. People will act properly just from the threat of justice alone.