Steemit: Where Trolls go to Die

in #steemit7 years ago

troll hunter.jpg

I haven't been here at Steemit long but I'm used to seeing a troll every other post on other social media platforms. Where'd they all go? I guess the fear of losing money and reputation is enough to keep the community in line. Well done. I was sure it would take more than the thought of losing a few pennies to shut someone up, but I guess not.

Now that I think about it, this concept is directly in line with micro-charge economics. Throw a micro-charge on a busy road during rush hour; no more traffic. Charge $0.10 for bags at the grocery store; now everyone is bringing reusable bags. The vast majority of the time it feels like it doesn't even matter how much you charge. You only have to charge something to nudge people in the right direction. We are such sheep lol. Steemit takes it to a whole new level by micro-charging an amount that doesn't even exist yet, on credit. Even better is that blockchain technology is going to make micro-charges trivial in the near future.


Imagine it: someone on the road doesn't use their blinker, clogs the fast lane, or cuts you off. A cop would never pull this person over for these infractions. It's just not worth it. Add blockchain tech to the mix and that guy just got charged $1 for being a douche. Priceless.


Must say you were creative about it with This!