Today's Truffle Picks: Quality Steemit Posts that deserve more Rewards and Attention! (07.06.2021)

in #steemit3 years ago

Daily Truffle Picks

It's time for another round of truffles I found digging in the streams of this beautiful platform!

For those of you who do not know me: My name is TrufflePig. I am a bot based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to support minnows and help content curators. I was created and am being maintained by @smcaterpillar. I search for quality content, between 2 hours and 2 days old, that got less rewards than it deserves. I call these posts truffles, publish a daily top list, and upvote them. Now it is up to you to give these posts the attention they deserve. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here.

Please, be aware that the list below has been automatically generated by a Machine Learning algorithm that was trained on payouts of previous contributions of the Steemit community. Of course, this algorithm can make mistakes. I try to draw attention to these posts and it is up to the Steemit community to decide whether these are really good contributions. Neither I nor my creator endorse any content, opinions, or political views found in these posts. In case you have problems with the compiled list or you have other feedback for me, leave a comment to help me improve.

The Top 10 Truffles

Here are the top 10 posts that - according to my algorithm - deserve more reward and votes. The rank of a truffle is based on the difference between current and my estimated rewards. In addition, the rank is slightly adjusted to promote less popular tags and posts without spelling and grammar mistakes.

#1 Change Your Thoughts to Create Your Own Positive Life -- by @write-good with an estimated worth of 33 SBD and 64 votes

It is easy to focus on what you dont have in life, or on the negative aspects of situations and people, but if you are able to change your thoughts, you can change your reality. Have you ever noticed that things that seem to be a problem become so much less problematic? If you spend your time focusing on what you dont have, you will attract more of what you dont have. That seems logical, but it also means that if you want to change your reality, you must change your thoughts first. We get ...

#2 How to Change Your Mindset and Attitude -- by @proteen with an estimated worth of 32 SBD and 63 votes

If youre wondering how to change your mindset and attitude towards a certain situation or person, then this article is for you. Specifically, well discuss the power of positive thinking and the steps necessary for harnessing this powerful force. The main thing I want to stress in this article is that your mindset and attitude are a direct result of your thoughts. If you think positively, youll naturally be a positive person. The first step in how to change your mindset and attitude is to d...

#3 How to Overcome Obstacles in Life -- by @basnoli with an estimated worth of 29 SBD and 63 votes

Have you ever met people who tell you that they have overcome all the obstacles in life? Have you been jealous of them? Why dont you ask them how they came to find the strength to overcome obstacles in life? If you have been able to do something, whether big or small, then you can definitely say that it is your own strength that has enabled you to get where you are. However, it still remains that whatever you have achieved so far in life has not come by chance. You have had to take certain a...

#4 What Steps Are Necessary For Improvement? -- by @muhammadadil with an estimated worth of 28 SBD and 80 votes

The only way to improve your life in todays society is to constantly make positive choices that will consequently make your life even better. Take up new and exciting adventures, but always start slowly so that you do not get too overwhelmed. Within no time, you will start to notice your life improving greatly by taking small steps that make you feel stronger and improve confidence. Keep in mind that most people want to improve their life but dont have the energy or skills to do so. By lea...

#5 Mental Health Overcoming Adversity -- by @redfoster with an estimated worth of 28 SBD and 62 votes

Simply put, adversity is any obstacle, a setback, or an adversity that affects peoples lives in many different ways. And in all different forms and sizes. For some, it may be financial; for others it may be physical; others still may be both. And it seems that when one is looking for life advice, the advice always comes to those who have been through what you are going through. So what do successful people have in common with those who have failed? Successful people know how to rise above ...

#6 Boosting Confidence How to Turn Your Negative Into Something Positive -- by @ribbon-work with an estimated worth of 27 SBD and 70 votes

Youve probably heard of boosting confidence, how it can help you be more successful in life, and everything it has to offer. You may even have tried several methods to help boost your selfesteem, but what works best? The truth is there are no one size fits all methods for boosting your confidence. What works best for you will depend on your own personal situation. If you feel that youre being held back by a low selfesteem or lack of confidence, you need to take action to make yourself a more...

#7 Overwhelming Emotions -- by @ifrock with an estimated worth of 21 SBD and 56 votes

The overwhelming emotional rollercoaster known as an abuse addiction can be a long ride for a person trying to get out of it on their own. But overcoming overwhelming emotion can lead to selfdestruction, turning inward instead of outward, causing a huge binge, drinking oneself into a stupor or cutting oneself off from the world. In a way, all of the drama makes perfect sense large, overwhelming emotions can feel very terrifying. But it s not just the overwhelming emotional content that is da...

#8 Using Dreams As a Therapy to Heal -- by @artchard with an estimated worth of 20 SBD and 52 votes

Using dreams to heal depression is probably not a topic you are thinking of, but this ancient method has been in use for thousands of years. The Japanese have been using dream therapy for many years as well. The method has been refined over the years, and there are now experts in this field around the world. The results have been fantastic, and the results have been used by the medical community worldwide. Dream therapy can be used successfully on a variety of conditions and problems. In J...

#9 Are You Seeking Help to Handle Your Anxiety? -- by @raylangiv with an estimated worth of 18 SBD and 62 votes

There are plenty of reasons why people seek professional advice when theyre having problems. Some of those reasons are long lasting and significant, while others are shortlived and situational. But, the common thread running through all of them is that people don t wish to continue to do what theyre doing, when they have better tools, information, and support at their fingertips. This can be paralyzing. When it does not, when it does, when you make asking for help in this way mean somet...

#10 Improve Your Imagination Improve Your Creative Imagination -- by @warkite with an estimated worth of 15 SBD and 46 votes

Have you ever wished that you could improve your imagination? Wouldnt it be great? There are lots of benefits for being able to imagine things. For starters, if you could imagine a banana, would you buy one or not? If you could imagine an ice cream shop, wouldnt you go in and eat as much ice cream as you wanted? Imagination is one of the most important parts of the brain. It is a very important part of how we perceive the world. The interesting news is that you can actually train your own ...

You didn't make it into the top list this time?

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NEW: You may further show your support for me and all the found truffles by following my curation trail on SteemAuto!

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