Mental Health & Overcoming Adversity

in #life3 years ago

Simply put, adversity is any obstacle, a setback, or an adversity that affects peoples lives in many different ways. And in all different forms and sizes. For some, it may be financial; for others it may be physical; others still may be both. And it seems that when one is looking for life advice, the advice always comes to those who have been through what you are going through. So what do successful people have in common with those who have failed?

Successful people know how to rise above adversity. You see, they learn how to pick themselves up by the bootstraps. They learn to persevere. They also learn to move on from past hurts to focus on what is important to them today, and they don't give up. Adversity is no bar to overcome; rather, it should be used as a stepping stone. Yes, if you continue to persevere, over time you will overcome every difficult situation with grace and ease.

Many times, we think that we are past the stage of overcoming personal and/or financial adversity. We feel as though the road to success has been cleared. But the truth is, even when we reach a point in our lives when we feel there is no more road to travel, we can still take another turn at the wheel. And we do so without giving up, because we understand the power of adversity.

As mentioned above, adversity can come from any form it comes. It can be physical, emotional, or spiritual. And while one might think that financial and emotional adversity is the same, the truth is, they are two very different forms of adversity. While it is true that people with financial and emotional challenges may give up on living, the spiritual type struggles on a daily basis, but doesn't give up until he meets his challenges head on. And when you meet your obstacles, you continue to push forward, because you understand that adversity is what teaches you to go further, not less.

When you meet your challenges head on, you know to continue on the journey because you chose to. The true obstacle is when you give up because you feel as if you have reached the end. When you give up, you are denying yourself the opportunity to continue learning and growing. And you can never have enough mental health, because you are constantly molding your mind to overcome each day's obstacles. You are also constantly using your spiritual fortitude to strengthen your mental health.

But you also don't want to give up because you experience anxiety over overcoming your obstacles. One way to deal with anxiety is to embrace it. The good news is that overcoming your physical disability doesn't have to mean giving up. You don't have to let your disability or your anxiety stop you from living life to the fullest. In fact, you can use the two to give you the edge over your competitors, and a chronic pain killer can help you cope with the anxiety.

I know what it means to find something unpleasant about your current situation. You may be afraid that you are forever unable to overcome your challenge, or you may find something ugly about how people react to your situation. Both of these things are very real to you, and if you work with a mental health coach, you can work with these negative feelings and emotions to grow and expand your emotional health.

You know what it means to face your obstacles. Now is the time for you to claim your destiny and make a positive change in your life. I'm not saying that overcoming adversity is easy, but you have to take that first step. Don't let your obstacles keep you from taking that first step. Adversity is always an opportunity to learn and grow, so don't let it stop you!


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