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RE: It's my birthday!!

in #steemit6 years ago

Happy birthday @crystalhuman! Hope you have a great day, despite the weather. It is raining pretty badly here in West Auckland, New Zealand, right now too, but then again it is still Winter down here. I don't know where in the world you are, but I tend to assume that, unless I know specifically, then most people are in the Continental USA. 😆  That being the case, then it should be Summer up there still. Hopefully the weather clears up for you soon, wherever in the world you are. Whatever the weather, and whether it does or whether it doesn't clear up, have a great birthday!


Thank you @trisquelwhare! :) I'm actually in Trinidad just off the coast of Venezuela right where that big ass earthquake just happened lol

Have a good one! :)

Earthquake eh? That's no good. You stay safe. We get earthquakes here, but haven't felt anything here in Auckland. They had a couple of big ones a few years back down in Christchurch, in the South Island of NZ, but Auckland doesn't really get them. 🤞🤞🤞

They're a bit scary but also kinda fun, I don't really know how I feel about them lol

I'm glad I'm not in Hawai'i right now though, the hurricane there has all but turned my old neighborhoods into swimming pools.

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