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RE: Account Approvals Enter Thrive Mode

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

You might be able to squeeze some efficiency out of RC delegation pools, but note that the overall cost of performing RC tasks will rise to counter balance any increase in efficiency of use.

In other words, the reason why RC costs are so 'cheap' (other than the arbitrary multiplier constants being set that way) is that most of the larger stakeholders aren't efficiently using their RC. As RC pooling become more commonplace, costs for performing common tasks like posting and comment will likely also increase considerably.

At a higher level, I feel here you're offering a free market solution to a scaling problem that heavily depends on subsidizing. The free market is great at a lot of things but acting as a subsidy isn't really among them, so the vision of having projects buy or rent their RC as needed is likely not as scalable as what we'd ideally like.

However, certainly Inc will likely delegate their RC very generously for good causes, and that's definitely a benefit.

In theory, you'd probably want a set of rules that treat RC as a scarce public resource rather than a private transferable good. Ultimately, I feel true scaling solutions will have to come from technical improvements to the design and infrastructure of the protocol rather than managing bandwidth.


I guess part of their counterpoint would be that 'onboarding' is a narrow subset of usage and only requires that new users be given a small RC allowance to be able to interact. RC pools can do that painlessly to some extent, especially given that in practice many new accounts go inactive and then use literally zero RCs, as well as zero resources aside from the ongoing consensus state for the account itself (under the current design these are never cleared out).

I of course share the concern that focus on RCs seems to distract from the core issue of physical scalability (see my similar comment).

Hello @trafalgar, sorry if I disturb your time. I just want to say that @ me-tarzan raped the steem prize pool. in one day he posted up to 12 times. he keeps repeating the same post. and he never votes for others. he only voted for himself. besides that he repeatedly gave comments for his posts. it really looks like rubbish. I hope you check it.

Do you have a twitter account?

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