MikeTheMug Here @Steemit ;)

in #steemit7 years ago

MikeTheMug@Steemit ;)_7-22-17.PNG
I honestly didn't see this one coming! @least not this soon seeing how busy @mikethemug is, with all of his burst endeavors.
Apologies for the RIP image as I accidentally captured someone's post speaking negative towards 3urst. I will have to look into this article however, as I just noticed something he stated as I was quickly skimming, about Bittrex disabling the Burst-wallet which I now see is true;( What is really going on! Pretty sure the issue will be resolved shortly ;)

Anyway, give it up to Adam Guerbuez aka Mister3urst! I would highly suggest checking out his page/posts, especially to the die-hard 3urst fans! I was wondering why he wasn't here as he 0r they could give 3urst even that much more exposure!
I gave my share 0f 3urst-promoting here and will continue on doing so.


Cool...Thanks for the post @tradz

Thx MikeTheMug_7-22-17.PNG

Just received my free 3urst ;)


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