Tips I Use to Identify Bot AccountssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

Image from
While working in my WARPATH post (, I came up with a few simple and fairly reliable ways to identify bot accounts.

While bots are not necessarily bad, they are easily abused by people looking for easy financial or social gain.

I personally believe that all bots should be publicly named (votebot734, SBDaggregator185, etc.) to allow us REAL HUMANS decide on our own how we wish to interact with them.


All images have had account names edited out.

When evaluating for "botishness", I use a point system. If an account scores more than 5 points, further examination is in order. 10 points should be flagged immediately, in my humble opinion.

Anyway, onto the identifiers:

1: Abnormal REP for the number of followers/posts.

bot 1-edited.jpg

While it may be possible for someone to have a rep of 34 while only making two posts,having only nine followers and following no one, it's VERY abnormal.

I would give a score of 3 or 4 on this account.

2: Abnormally low view to vote count when a post WITHOUT an image has been made
bot 6.JPG
Sometimes you'll see a pattern like this when memes are posted, but without an image, it's definitely a strike against.

I'd give this account 2 points.

3: No graphics or pix posted at all.
When there are no graphics used in any posts, comments, replies or in the base account setup, it's very odd to say the least.

I would give an account with no graphics 2 points.

4: Sequential postings in extremely dissimilar languages.
bot 8.JPG

This would be 4 to 5 points.

5: Posts in non-English translate into gibberish when using Google Translate.
bot 3 - final.jpg

This needs FLAGGED IMMEDIATELY! 10 points!!!

6: Drastic changes in posting styles.
bot 7 - edited.jpg
Notice how older posts went from English with images to non-English with no images.

I'd give this account 3 points.

7: Non-sensical tags
![Bot 4 - final.jpg] ()

While not definitive, I'd give it 3 points.

8: Low payout, hundreds of upvotes, few comments, few views.

While this can theoretically happen, it's quite odd to say the least.



REP/Followers/Following/Posts ratios all out of wack!-- 4 Points
4 posts in four different languages--------------------------4 Points
Major change in posting styles -------------------------------3 Points
No graphics or images in recent post or account----------3 Points
Low payout, high up votes, low views, low comments--6 points minimum!

Well, anything over 10 is probably a bot or an abusive account.

The last post of the account is gibberish when translated and the tags are completely nonsensical, both of which are valid reasons to flag a bot.

Once you have flagged a bogus post, look at the accounts of those "users" who have up voted that posting. Odds are, the majority of those are also bots, but they need to be checked before flagging.

I hope this helps anyone who wishes to write up a bot-hunting bot!


Good investigating! Were you able to find anything out about the fake users post you did last week? I have been seeing more traffic about accounts saying - You rent us for a day or week at some price and you will get upvoted 1000%! What kind of crap is that? That is like rigging an election, just without the Russians.
Hopefully all your work pays off @torquewrench1969. It is like I tell my girls. "If you want anything in life, you have to work for it!"

Have a great night and thanks for sharing.

Pfeiler Family Farm

Not much on the bots from ladt week, except there are still hundreds that need to be hammered.

These "votebots" need to go. All they do is distort reality.

Interesting never thought about some of these "tells." I definitely have had a few run ins with abusive accounts. I've been a bit more proactive at flagging lately as it gets annoying after awhile.

I believe a bot can be programmed to identify these tells (and others I'm verifying) bot usage can be made less profitable, allowing real humans to be in charge of social media.

I know, sounds crazy that social media should be controlled by those that can be social, but I've been off my meds! :)

Yeah me too apparently LOL

Beep! Beep! This humvee will be patrolling by and assisting new veterans, retirees, and military members here on Steem. @shadow3scalpel will help by upvoting posts from a list of members maintained by @chairborne and responding to any questions replied to this comment.

I'll put your theory to test in no time. thank you for sharing.

Excellent article. Always you will get vote from me. I already voted you and followed you so please vote my post and follow me please .

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