My friend signed up for Steemit last Thursday, and is still not approved... is this normal?

in #steemit7 years ago

If so, I think the Steemit team's first priority should be to fix this issue, and whatever else is plaguing Steemit at the moment.

I mean it's a bit ridiculous in my opinion, that the team is hard at work creating smart media tokens, when their main project hasn't even left Beta yet.

Does anyone else find this alarming, or am I just the kind of person who makes sure that one thing is completed first, before starting on something else?

Get your shit together over there Steemit developers!

Oh, and witnesses, please do your fucking jobs by getting what needs to be done for the betterment of Steemit... or we'll vote you the fuck out!


Oh this is nothing. My friend signed up on 5th of Feb and the account is still not approved. I think it is outrageous. This is why I am not inviting any friends and family to join the platform right now as I feel it will be a bad first experience. I agree they really need to fix this issue asap because it is slowing down mass-market adoption.

Slowing down is an understatement my friend, it is killing the platform! Like I said though, they need to stop worrying about world domination, and need to start focusing on their own baby here with a laser beam focus.

and need to start focusing on their own baby here with a laser beam focus.

Hahahahaha.. Focus on the baby.. Lol..

Probably they have a bigger picture than new sign ups. Or maybe they are content with the members already or probably they can't regulate the mass registrations.

Whatever the case might be, they sure should have received complaints like this

Well I'm sure we are not the only ones complaining, and I do feel kind of bad for them, because this shit cannot be easy to handle... it's essentially a mini economy.

I agree! I think focusing on too many things can be their biggest folly :) It is important to get the platform right before dreaming of world domination or they will even lose what they've got here.

I think it just may be a developer issue, because look at Dan. The guy goes from one project to another... the poor man has an addiction to building awesome platforms. 😉

Ha ha ha so true! Dan can't help the fact that he is a genius :)

Even if delays such as that of your friend are normal, it took me almost a week, they should not be. Maybe the dev team is busy doing a multitude of tasks. Looks like the signup system in its current form is not scaling or coping properly with demand.
I am happy to hear a critical voice here. I’ve noticed that the platform has become a bit too much like a religion for many. I also noticed that posts oozing with praise and platitudes tend to get high pay.

I'm done being mister nice guy, because having a bunch of whales with all the things to say, and minnows sucking their dicks everyday is not going to do shit for this platform on the long-run, and the developers need to wake the fuck up!

I love it.
The killer dolphin (Tolkatores Occisorum), a new species, hungry for whale meet.

Ha! Now that's funny, but let's face it, where is Steemit going to go if its just filled with a bunch of whales circle-jerking each other with up-votes all day?

There is a lot of work to be done for the platform to improve. I don’t know all the intricacies of the system, but it’s not too hard to see that there are real issues. As in life, money incentives tend to lead to unintended consequences. Mixing SOCIAL responses (example: I enjoy writing about x) with MARKET responses (example: I could make more if I suck a whale…) leads to distortions and eventually one of the two is corrupted.

Pay to win systems are certainly a tough cookie, and getting both sides of anything when most are incentivized to be neutral or positive is even trickier.

Yeah. The publicity of steemit is growing by the day.

A lot of people are involved in the utopian task where they carry the task of promoting the platform coupled with steem meet up in various parts of the world.

I'm sure tonnes and tonnes of people are turning up by the day. So delay is expected but they should sit up and fix it

So delay is expected but they should sit up and fix it

Exactly, instead they are off worrying about smart media tokens, when they should in fact be fixing the very platform that got everything going.

Yeah. I even heard they have special invite link or addresses given out by whales for registration and instant confirmation..

Honestly its frustrating, preaching to people about steemit and repreaching to them about the delays in confirmation

The rich helping the rich... nothing new there.

Yeah. Its no longer a "social" community again. Its now a "cliq" community. Everybody having there own clique... Doesn't make sense. The socializing part has been defeated

The grouping mentality on Steemit is dangerous for the longevity of the platform, but we'll see how long it lasts.

It seems that tribal instincts are deeply embedded in human psyche. We all tend to be drawn into groups, at an instinctual level. Steemit merely reflects what happens in real life.
Monetary incentives and opportunities are not evenly distributed in the real world, nor are they in Steemit.
If Steemit develops along the lines of the outside world, we will see an original anarchical and somewhat equalitarian idea turn into an ecosystem with spheres of influence resembling tribes and hordes.
It is actually a very interesting social experiment, and keeping a certain detachment while observing its evolution makes it fun.

It took about 10 days for my account to be approved. I think the delays in registrations have something to do with the fact that a lot of people were creating a lot of accounts trying to game the system. I'm not sure if that is the only reason tough.

Yeah, and probably bots too, which I understand, but they need to figure out a way to seek and destroy the bots and abusers after they sign up, not before... you know what I mean?

Steemit is no egalitarian utopia where all thrive and prosper bathed in intellectual enlightenment.
There are a few who make money, control the narrative and have all the incentives to maintain the status quo. The majority, spend an inordinate amount of time, some even effort, and hope that some day they too will be big.
If this interaction is enjoyable, then it’s a hobby, at best. Do it as long as it’s fun. As for those dreaming of making it a profession, please consider a brief risk reward ratio analysis, substituting time for risk. My guess is that most Steemians can make a hell of a lot more money flipping burgers.

Ha ha, I'd imagine that most Steemians could as well, and making this a full-time job certainly has its risks. Like speaking your mind one day, and some whale doesn't like what you have to say, and boom... this just fired you!

Hopeful Steemian:

How can they game the system?

You haven't been paying attention huh Demon?

Steemit is drowning in abusive accounts!

Well I guess I'm too much ingenious I guess.. I just don't get it how too many accounts can benefit one person I mean.. I struggle a lot with just one account.. I can't imagine trying to raise 10 accounts.. :/

There will always be cheaters, especially where money is involved mate.

Yes, and even tough it might seem like a lot of work to make a lot of accounts just to earn small amounts of money we also have to take into account that there is a big difference from making 100$ on steemit in the U.S.A. compared to making 100$ in India.

A very important point indeed, and don't forget about the inflated SBD factor either mate.

Yep. I wonder for how much time SBD will remain like this.

I still believe that steemit is greater than those who cheat.. I trully believe in this system..

Well, let's say I can make 100 accounts in a day. I will use one account for posting garbage content and the rest of 99 to upvote said garbage content. Sure, the SP from those accounts is really small and the upvotes are barely worh 0.01$ but they add up. Just a thought, no idea how feasible this might be.

They put a little money in them, and then they do this my friend, but they automate the process via bots to speed up the gaming.

Now that makes sense... Finally.. I really am to ingenious.. well this people are killing this great thing like steemit..

Many things are not just right with the system.
From Bots to people purchasing SP and accumulating so much of it to a cliq waring another cliq, Infact a lot is going on that if not addressed could alter a lot in the system

It was always going to be an issue here on Steemit sadly, because all humans are innately greedy.

Lolz that's less than a week. It took a friend of mine 3 weeks to get his, someone I registered is going a month without seeing his password.

It varies for different accounts.dont know why but it's don't be worried :-)

Sweet Christmas, well at least I know now that its just not her... so frustrating.

I also invited a friend on last Friday and still nothing.. I don't know what's the problem.. for me it took 2 days... Maybe too much people joining in at the same time idk..

I think it took me a day, so I guess we were just lucky, but this shit is ridiculous!

Yours was quite early. It took mine longer.

I think you should direct or you read up some articles as regards hastening confirmation on sign ups.

Some authors including @surpassinggoogle has written on it.

Just check. Sure you would find something

I need to do that for sure, and maybe when I have some time later I shall.

Please do. Just check on discord (registration channels), steemgigs, surpassinggoogle and a couple of other places, something helpful might pop up. And if I find something, I would surely inform you and others

I think a friend said its a way of regulating the steem and SBD inflow and outflow.

A week is damn early compared to mine.
It took 20 damn days before I got my account approved

I think a friend said its a way of regulating the steem and SBD inflow and outflow.

Hmm, this does make sense, but they need to speed shit up, or Steemit isn't going to get adopted properly, and could fail because of it.

Yeah. It makes sense if that's the reason.

I agree with all of the points you have raised my friend

find out about steemit
get excited
signup for new account
confirm email/SMS
get a message saying they will review your account for approval
wait several hours
wait several days
search for answers, finding most people claim they were approved within minutes or hours
rage about some hidden factor holding you back
go to and ask for help
be told to wait days longer
wait more
nothing lol

Ha ha, sounds like my typical day.

I don't know but that sounds like bad policy

It's not the first time i'm hearing about it
it take a lot of time to steemit to approve new accounts sometimes even 2 weeks

if he did not get anything from them a week after the phone validation it's better to try it again

I will keep that in mind, and thank you!

Your welcome
i always like to help when it's come to new steemit accounts, i think this network will jump to the sky with much more users soon and we all enjoy it

I really love Steemit too, and hope it shoots to the sky as well.

How many days does it take to get approved?

Nobody knows, and it varies from sign up to sign up.

thanks, my friends signed up yesterday and hoping to start as early as next week.

Well, I wish him luck, and please give us an update when he's approved.

Sure!, thanks

When one of my friend told me about steemit for the first time he said it will take 2-3 days for the approval.but my account takes straight 2 weeks to get approval from the steemit.thats sad I think most of the people get upset by this only.

Ahh, well that sucks, but at least now I have an accurate possible time-frame to pass on to my friend, so thanks!

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