Writing About Steemit (straight from the bottom of my heart)

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Steemit will change your life...

This was the first thing the sleazeball who introduced me to Steemit told me when he started a conversation about it back in January. Make no mistake though, he introduced me to Steemit not because he cared about me or my wellness, but because he was on a mission to introduce as many peeps as possible to this platform for his own benefit. This nikka even had the nerve to "advice" me not to save money in SBD (or other crypto coins), but to invest everything on Steem Power so I can vote for him. True Story!!! 

But fuck him, I don't wanna waste anymore time talking about garbage; just wanted to show you how the "baby" of Steemit was conceived in my case. 

One thing you should know about me by now (the 3-4 folks who actually bother to READ my posts regularly) is that I never lie. No matter how unbelievable certain things about my life may sound to some of you, it's not like I am going to apologize or feel bad about what I have experienced in life just because you never left your neighborhood. So you know, if you think I am lying about anything...FUCK YOU! I always tell the truth mothafucka...even when I am lying!

As I was saying, Steemit hasn't changed SHITE when it comes to my life! It's not like the mother of my son ain't the bitch she has always been; it's not like I sleep better the nights; it's not like I got over my chronic health/injury issues (including the mental ones he he) and it's not like I became rich overnight. Actually, I have less money in the bank now than in January when I joined Steemit. True story!!!

But Steemit is its people right? So, let me take a deep breathe and talk about the types of people I have seen on Steemit so far: 

1. Peeps who openly claim that they are here to make money. I am one of them, so I respect their honesty and genuine intentions. After all, Steemit is a financial platform first and everything else follows. If not, keep your shit on Facebook and fuck you!

2. Peeps who claim to be here because they love the "holy idea" of decentralization. It could be true I guess; I don't know! I have my doubts but whatever, it is what it is.

3. Peeps who are here to demonstrate their "steemit power" because they have probably been pussies all their life in the real world. This is the main reason I will never flag anyone. I didn't join this platform to preach morals or to save the world. Neither I need to show any kind of power. I have exhibited my power in several ways in real life....I don't have any kinds of  frustrations about this topic. 

4. Peeps who are here to get some pussy. Plain and simple....There's nothing more I can say about it. It's obvious, it's real and it's all around you in the air. If you can't see it, that's good for you because you are a true G who doesn't give a shit!

5. "Experts" of any kind. Usually they are moderators, curators and so on. I have nothing against them as I fully realize that Steemit is a business that has to hire certain people to do a certain job. Let me tell you what my problem is though. They are as arrogant as it gets and in reality Steemit is the first website they ever publish their "art", "science", "technology", "poetry" etc. I talked on Discord with one of them and he called me arrogant because I mentioned the SIMPLE FACT that I have been writing for years in some of the most popular websites and my articles generate millions of views there (keep in mind that I said all that in my defense after he accused me for plagiarism...I tried to explain the idiot that this was MY OWN ARTICLE). 

He said to me, "I could write for BBC or CNN only if I wasn't so lazy." So, someone who claims that millions would read his lame shit if he wasn't lazy, calls someone who actually writes articles that millions read arrogant, just because "the arrogant" stated the simple fact while being in defense. That's the world we live in though. I mean white Brits and Americans (the former slave owners) will give lessons in any chance they get to nations like Greece (that were slaves for 4 centuries) against racism, so I should not be all that pissed over little stuff like that, huh? THE WORLD WE LIVE IN! 

6. The "Magnificent Artists and Scholars" of Steemit. Man, oh man!!!!! Similar with the above folks but hey, this category is in its own league in certain ways. I mean, you can't tell these nikkas shiteeee! These peeps are so arrogant that they don't bother to vote others or even comment on their own posts! They will tell you or imply that they ain't on Steemit for the money (Nikka pleaseeeee), but to demonstrate their "INCREDIBLE" talents, spirit and gifts God gave them so generously. 

Listen folks, I know some EXCELLENT websites with AMAZING critics with vast experience who can value your art, photography, science and writings. Websites like the Frieze,  Whitehot Magazine, National Geographic, Art in America, American Scientist, Artspace Magazine, Gizmodo, Smithsonian and so on. Please do us all a favour, and give it a fucking try dammit. The world may missing the next Homer or Tesla or Rembrandt because of fucking Steemit and those same 50 peeps who keep voting for you and compliment your "triumphant" work, while millions of people out there don't know what they are missing. JUST DO IT! Just don't forget to have some tissues with you when (if) you ever get a reply :)

7. The users. Well, they are everywhere around you in real life too. They will compliment you even though they haven't read shit you wrote, they will kiss your ass if they feel like they have something to earn from you, they will tell you what they think you wanna hear and so on. To get an idea how big-hearted I am...I don't even flag those mothafuckas! 

8. The angry folks....I guess I am the only one that fits in this category (from what I have seen). What can I say? If weed and Xanax doesn't work, there's always heroine out there ;) 

Anyway, back to the main topic! What I think about Steemit? It's nothing more than just another project, another business, another website that rotten humans (you and me I mean) pollute on daily basis. It ain't no life changer. It ain't no revolutionary. Rich peeps who got the money to invest, become richer on daily basis; the same ol' story! 

Poor folks like me and you, remain angry and frustrated with life. If that's what you call revolution, then I am the Pope mothafuckas! Just because some suckers kiss asses and say Thank You for every bone they ever licked in their life, that doesn't make something revolutionary. 

When Steemit or Eos or whatever name the geeks use to "baptize" these first world platforms solve the poverty issues in Africa, Southeast Asia and so on, then let's talk about life changers and shite. 

Shit, I can't even buy a USED fucking car with the current price of Steem and I am supposed to live in a fucking developed nation! My neighbour is a garbage man (MAD RESPECT FOR WASTE COLLECTORS WHO KEEP OUR CITIES CLEAN) and drives a fucking MERCEDES!!!! How is that life changing dammit? You know what? Until Steemit finds an honest way to truly become a life changer for hundreds of millions of people around the world (and of course I get my car), I will keep it real! If you can't take the heat, stay outta the kitchen!

Whoever gets offended....Cry me a river as I didn't use any names to make it personal, plus I don't give a flying fuck about your feelings ;)



Είσαι τυπάρα. Keep it real man! Τhanks for speaking my mind!

Θα ήθελα να σου πω ότι κάνεις λάθος και ότι δεν έχω και εγώ την ίδια "αίσθηση" για την πλατφόρμα , αλλά θα σου έλεγα ψέματα και δεν τα συμπαθώ ούτε και εγώ !
Σου εύχομαι καλή συνέχεια και ψυχραιμία!

That was cool actually. Speaking from the heart is much needed once in a while. Keep in mind mate, that Steemit is a miniature of real society. Would you expect a different result?

"I will never flag anyone" , αν αρχίζω να ανεβάζω μόνο καμμένα ανέκδοτα, θα αλλάξεις γνώμη :P ,xaxa

Μπα εσενα σε αγαπαω ;)

I take it @ned never turned up to your hotel?

No, but your mama did!

I discovered new things, it seems that you have experience here :)
I don't have to much time to spend it here and you tell straight what are you thinking. And this I appreciate the most and that's why I return to your blog.

I must tell you a secret, your blog is my favorite.
Best wishes! :*

Awwww, I am blushing right now. Thank you so much! And your blog is one of my favorites too :)

You sure did a summary of the category people in steemit in just one post . I wonder where I fall, I guess people who are here to make money, but you know maybe u should allow others be the judge of that. I have not been here for a very long while but I sure have learnt a lot for this platform , hoping to have a better income in the nearest future ..

always enjoy your post

So you know, if you think I am lying about anything...FUCK YOU! I always tell the truth mothafucka...even when I am lying!
got me laugh too much

Tell us how you really feel... haha ;P

Steemit is a good way to waste time and get compensated for it. Unlike the other social media websites that take up all your time, steal / sell your info and don't compensate you.

Power and influence will change a person (especially on the internet) and turn them evil and insensitive and unfair - and especially if that person is a piece of shit to begin with, then the change would mostly be that they aren't a pussy anymore because they're protected by the internet (and here their SP and shyte).

What I try to do is look for the good in stuff (sometimes in people too). Unless someone is being a blatantly obnoxious and ignorant cunt. After initially trying reason and logic I'll then resort to full expression of my disdain and opinion without restraint and sometimes with emotion...

Peace out bro.

Δεν εχεις ιδεα τι παιζει και βαριεμαι να σου εξηγω γτ εχεις αυτο το στυλ του ξερολα ενω δεν εχεις ιδεα γτ μιλαω ρε μλκ και εχω νευρα σημερα. Αντε γεια!


I think you misinterpreted what I was trying to say and how I said it. It was a general critique of the people of Steemit that you’re referring to in your post and not directed at anyone in particular.

As far as my “στυλ” is conecrnd I only know what I understand and I express myself based on that understanding — otherwise I don’t claim to know anything more than the next person.

I didnt intend for anything I wrote to be taken negatively... hope you feel better bro

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