Darnit! 500 Followers and I Missed It!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Quick! Somebody unfollow me so I can look at my gorgeous round number of followers!

I'm kidding. I do have a thing for round numbers. I like them a lot but I won't take it that far.

I saw my follower count go to 499 last week and my round-number-loving heart began to cheer. But then I got distracted by dogs, writing, editing... Oh yeah and by this tiny little thing my boyfriend and I are doing... Buying a house. Yup that's definitely distracting too.

So this morning I suddenly remembered to check. Rushed over to my Steemit blog... Shit. I missed it.

But that's OK I guess. There will be other round numbers. Liam's affection helped me leave my disappointment behind. Isn't he adorable?


I do very much appreciate the support all of you have given me and I continue to be grateful for the appreciation I receive in the form of upvotes and comments.

So What's New, Tiny?

I recorded my second audio story two days ago. It was a really hard one to do because it lies so close to my heart, but I sincerely hope you'll like it.

I decided to call this series TinyReads, like my non-fiction tips are called TinyTeaches. My Fiction Steemshelf was updated with a separate Shelf just for these audio stories.


However, since my Steemshelves seem to be making babies (I know have a fiction one, a non-fiction one and one for my Dutch stories) and not every post of mine belongs there, I also decided to create a library of sorts on my off-Steem blog page. I collected the links to my stories, my writing articles, and my poetry and art posts too.

We talk a lot about evergreen content on the platform, but it's such a shame to create all these pieces only to watch them get buried underneath all the other things we post and resteem. This little library of mine will make my back catalogue a bit more accessible, I hope.

Coming Soon To a Theatre Near You

I'm currently working on a few things. The one closest to being finished is probably my haibun piece.

I wrote it for the writers' workout exercises we've been doing over at The Writers' Block. The assignment was to rewrite a classic fairytale into a deep POV. I chose the German fairytale of Frau Holle and am writing it in a haibun style. Haibun is a Japanese form that mixes prose with haiku. I like it a lot and I expect I'll be doing more of these pieces.

I'm also working on another TinyTeaches post but I'll need to do some me research on this one.

Of course, I'll also be continuing the TinyReads series with audio versions of all my stories.

I also finished another Dutch rewrite of one of my stories but since I entered it in a short story contest off-Steem, I won't be able to publish it on my blog until the contest ends in March.

Cross your fingers for me. ;-)

I guess that's all got now, folks.

Again, thank you all so much for your support. Hell. Thanks for even putting up with me. Love you all!




Good work!!! and congratulations on the big five hundy!!!! Much love in your direction :)

Thanks Cope! Much love back! When are you going to give me another killer non fic post to curate? ;-)

Credit where credit is due my lovely :) Well i have it packed away ready for whenever you want to check it out and have the time to have a look at it :) just let me know when you are free and want to have some time with it and i will send it to you in some way or form, just DM me , lol. I have zero idea of how i would promote anything like this to be honest, lol.

:-D How about the weekend?

Up to you, just let me know. im holding on to it until you, specifically, have a look at it :) till then no one else sees it ;)

Aww you're such a charmer. ;-)

congratulations @tinypaleokitchen ... as awesome as you are... i expect to see you hit 1000 in no time at all.

Aww thanks sweetie. Not as awesome as you are! ;-)

Congrats on the 500 listened to your audio story the dogs in the barn one was awesome , your narration is soothing

Aww thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it.

Congrats for your 500. I going to listen your audios. Hugs :)

Thank you. I certainly hope you like them. I see you posted another poem. I need to check that out as soon as I have time to sit down. Hugs

I would be happy. I did my best with the translation.

I just happened to see my count hit 400 about a week ago, and managed to grab a screenshot. I'm not sure why those milestones matter, but they do seem to!

I am listening to one of your audio stories. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. You're amazing!

Awww thank you, Jayna!

Love you Tiny!

Love you too, Jon and Trishie!


Congratulations for the achieving the milestone of 500 followers, and also wishing you the great heights on Steemit Platform and in life. I really liked that dog, because that dog is so cute and adorable, so thanks for the picture of human beings best friend.

Stay Blessed.

Dang, I missed your 500 announcement post, and now you're already up to 519. Congrats! When will the madness end?

Damnit! I missed another symmetrical number!!!! Bye bye 515 sniffs

It sounds like you have plenty on your plate! Fingers are crossed...

Thank you. I'll need it, probably. ;-)

Congratulations! 500 followers is a big step for a Tiny writer, haha! Congrats on the house as well! I know I'll be really happy when I get to that point myself.

Thanks. I'm not that Tiny, you do know that, right? It's kind of a running joke. :-)

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