in #steemit7 years ago


A few months ago I purchased with the intention of building something to link music & steemit. Like many domains that I purchase - this one is just sitting there. I thought I'd put up a post to see if any developers would like to work together to create something? This also goes out to @Ned and @Andrarchy - I'd happily donate the domain to Steemit if you are able to use it.


Since Napster launched in 1999 the record labels have been trying to get their heads around digital music. In May 2016 Warner Music Group became the first of the major labels to announce that their Streaming income had surpassed that of their traditional CD sales.

I've written before about my views on Spotify and particularly how there is currently an unfair divide between the master recording side and the publishing side. Nevertheless - streaming is clearly the way forward, for now.

According to the latest IFPI report digital music generates USD$ 6.7 billion per year.

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Please add your thoughts below - do you think a music streaming site or digital downloads area would benefit Steemit? What would you like to see? Can you help with development?




@furion will bring videos to Steem, then maybe Steemsongs could be frontend only for #music tag?

Yes - Steemsongs could just be music discovery too. Different YouTube links that are voted up and down. It doesn't necessarily have to be a market place.

At least initially, then it can grow or so

The key thing that other music sites don't have is the linked downloads/blogs with the ability to earn from both. That would be great positioning for Steemsongs

I really like the idea of music discovery and a sort of Spotify or Pandora that is fair to the artists

If this can be something like songs on or Apple iTunes (but for free) it would be great and it may even attract many users. And also for the songs, if there's an upvoting system, payout system for singers and producers like in Steemit, and even for the listeners, it would be pretty fun and interesting. (Find me @suhardasilva on Steemit and Steemit Chat)

How do you sign up for the site ?

Following You


Nice one bud! Looking forward to hearing and seeing what's in store for

Good to see you here!

Thanks. Hopefully I'll get around to writing another post one day in the not too distant future! Keep up the great work :)

do you think a music streaming site or digital downloads area would benefit Steemit?

Absolutely. It would benefit Steemit, Steem, and STEEM...but most importantly - it would benefit the musicians.

The music industry is huge and plenty of musicians maintain blogs, so this would likely catch on pretty quickly just from the interaction/income angle for all of these "starving artists." Building an actual marketplace where they can sell their songs, without having to go through a third party (labels, publishers, master recordings). Cutting out losses from fees and whatnot would be a boon for many artists, especially those who have already gained some popularity.

The ability to do this would likely attract a large chunk of musicians...and even songwriters looking for artists, and vice-versa. You could create an internal marketplace for composers and performers comprised of your users, possibly with smart contracts integrated.

On the consumer side, this would probably reduce costs per song since the artists don't have all of those contracted fees to pay and since they'll also have the opportunity to earn from their followers on the blogging side of the equation.'s music. I'm sure plenty of Steem users would love to be able to use their STEEM and SBDs to purchase it. This keeps the currency in the Steemcosystem, which is kind of the point of all of this anyway, right?

I would like to help you develop this idea. I unfortunately don't have any coding experience, but I can offer other assistance. Just let me know. You know where to find me!

100%. Let's talk more.

nice of you to donate the domain, man!

I'm only donating if they have a plan..!

Hey Ben - I just read your older article about Spotify payouts, learned a lot. I feel like you are one of the most successful / influential music industry people on the platform right now.

A music streaming platform would be amazing on Steem - Thirsty Entertainment was trying to build one, but the project seems to have dissolved for the moment. I feel like a digital download store, while less ideal, is a lot easier to build.

I'm not a dev, though. All I can do for now is cheerlead and promote Steem as a whole, I think. Lemme know if I can help you with any Steem-related music projects.

hey matt sokol, thanks a lot! Like you I'm also not a dev. I'll try posting again to see if we can rally support. The problem with streaming is even with best intentions (to support artists/writers) the money is wherever the public are..

In May 2016 Warner Music Group became the first of the major labels to announce that their Streaming income had surpassed that of their traditional CD sales.

Wow! I didn't know that, as always with these announcements, it marks an historical moment.

That would be great if Steemsongs got going, using the same basic premise as Steemit. It could definitely work, and may turn out to be revolutionary.


Make this! My goal is to help Steem artists as well here.

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