Sinking. Steem. | ๐Ÿ“‰๐Ÿ‘‘ | "Why not to care and instead focus on the fundamental truths of Steem" |

in #steemit โ€ข 7 years ago (edited)


Sinking. Steem.

With all the negative news hitting us from all angles on #news #steemit #crypto ect, I found myself happy to a freshman here on Steemit. ๐Ÿ 
I say this because I am still struck by the initial feeling I got when hearing about Steem and the enormous potential it has for our world.

The benefit of being a minnow is that we are not quite as much affected by these major sentiment shifts that have been out there for the last days.
A clever minnow does just feel utter love and excitement that Steemit pumped into our veins.๐Ÿ’ฅ

I think every other Steemian should think and feel the same..

I will now talk about why I think we should not care too much about the current price, or price in general since it obscures and even wrongly depicts the real value of steemit


โ—พ Steemit price is almost entirely influenced by Bitcoin ๐Ÿ’ต

Bitcoins have been in great need to have its price revalued. The technology behind it is just utterly slow and therefore expensive to trade/pay with. The sick rise of last years BTC highs were a sign that crypto coin is there to stay. not per se that BTC has to be the only one out there. It's a proof of concept, and hell it did prove to be a great one.

Steem is not valued against USB/EUR but to bitcoin. The prices changes we see on steem almost entirely are dependent on what the BTC price is doing.

There are also a lot of whales here that choose to power down i order to get themselves some BTC while it's cheap. This is a good thing since it allows power to be divided more equally. That is a good thing for a platform that evangelizes decentrality.

The real value of Steemit therefore lies in believe and in the knowledge that it will persevere even if prices derail back the 0.14 cents it was a year ago..

there is no objectionable way to see how much Steem is worth now, it's all subjective
And if you ask me, there are enough reasons to stick around.๐Ÿ˜Š


โ—พ Steemit is forcing it's users out of their comfort zones ๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ๐ŸŽฅ๐Ÿ“ธ

The incentive money brings to the table is huge and should not be underestimated. Steemit provides a platform where we all get to know our comfort zones. I am talking about both personal comfort zones in the sense that steem encourages us to try new things.

I had never written an article before because I was convinced I could not pull off a readable piece (for my dyslexia) after hesitating for hours I did decide to give it a try anyway and my two posts so far have more than 300 comments on them...

I never did a video tutorial on how I edit photos but had been thinking about it for years. I did now and learned a ton in the process.

Dlive is providing us with a platform where we can have a more directly with our audience and so it happened I hosted two live streams (2h+) in which I had to set up my tablet to be shown in sync with the stream etc. Once again a great lesson and a hell of a lot of fun.

I am not going to pretend that the reward system didn't incentives me a bit in order to explore what I could bring to steemit in order to innovate it a bit in my own way.


โ—พ Steemit is 100% in sync with human evolution ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿ‘ฆ

I already >wrote about this< back when prices were up, but I think it does bear repeating now.

Shifting from Instagram to Steemit two months ago I once again got to investigate quite another social media. On Instagram, 14k people Were convinced to give me a follow for my photography. Although it's a different platform, The fundamentals are the same.

there is no other crypto that benefits from the fact that we will always feel the need for confirmation and appreciation. Furthermore, we will always want to share things we see as important since it helps us shape an individual identity in this strange world full of technology, social media, expectations, and social pressures.

We all think we are original and in some way special. This gives us just enough self-esteem to confront others with our thoughts and content. This need to confirm that one's life is worth its while is eventually a truth that will make steemit, as a social media platform, succeed. ๐Ÿš€

Steemit will persevere since its based neural feedback loops that have kept us as a species alive for an enormously long time period. Evolution has triggered us to be social beings. Steemit and its community, are triggering the same thing. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘

I didn't even bring in the fact one gets to earn money here in order to seek self-confirmation.. what a sick combo.

I say steemit here and not steem since Steem is ("just") a great technology on which Steemit is based. But with the coming "Smart media tokens" this is going to open up possibilities Exactly like how Moses opened up that sea.
(well not exactly, since we fishes will be walking the alley and not drifting away in the split sea)


โ—พ Steemit is a social media that almost nailed content curation ๐Ÿ”ฌ

It has figured out a great method in order to curate content.
Pay money to great content providers.
We are not irritated by torturing advertisements about toothpaste etc and that makes it a great platform to browse decent content.

There is of course the spell of the bots that is doing its fair part of both bad and good around here (many great content curator groups, like SteemSTEM, uses them for the better for instance)


"where did Steemit cause you to cross your personal comfortzone? What did you learn?" ๐Ÿ’ญ

let's focus on that instead of the recent negativity.

Let me know in the comments below!

I am on my way to the SPA as we speak to dodge the negativity a bit more directly so pardon fornot responding back for a few hours! โ™ฅ

PS. all photos are mine but the last brain image. Source: pixbay


As always thanks for your time, I hope you enjoyed this. Feedback is always appreciated!

"Emotions are there to be expressed, not to be suppressed and bottled up. I do photography in order to take my mind away from the dilemma's I encounter during my medical internships."


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thi-js. Out.

Up-vote, re-steem and follow โ™ฅ


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With all the crypto market craziness going on, it is indeed refreshing to read your positive article! Keep up the good spirit fellow minnow :)

We it doesn't help at all if we all needlessly going to sell all our steem now. It is just nonsensical. Thanks for you kind comment Jessica! We are up 0.1 in the green atm haha.


Loved this post. I'm about to get off other social media completely...except one of my instagrams that I use to support people with. This is where life will be happening in the future. And the value of Steem will be what we make it, just like fiat, except it will hopefully be controlled by the dreamers like us. Gonna find your Dtube and see what your retouching videos are like. Fellow photographer here :)

He Mike :)

Thanks for dropping by and leaving these dear comments. What would your instagram be?

Gr from Amsterdam


The instagram I use mainly is @letsmokesomethinggood to chat with people. My fashion work is @freelancer_life but I'm not often there. Fashion people make me unhappy nowadays.

I follow You brother

Well thanks!


Love your post i have upvoted it maybe you can follow me back and upvote my post.

I have also written a post on why I dont like these kind of comments my love. I am sorry but I have to downvote you, I have promised myself to do that since I dont like "hi, follow me" comments alot

Greetings from Amsterdam


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