
Interpersonal conflict doesn't change the facts regarding contributors to the project. That you'd put such concerns ahead of a commitment to credit contributors leads one to conclude there was good reason for the conflict.

Neither does it recommend your project to those that were supporting it, or interested in supporting it in the future. I make note of your own sophomoric attitude towards professional standards of development, and will view Sugarsteem through that lens.

Good luck.

Your biased view is irrelevant. Do the work get the credit it’s that simple.

Your claim that I have any bias is far more illustrative of your own purpose and execution thereof than relevant to me. I have no dog in this fight, other than an initial interest in the project.

Since you fail to reckon with any point I have made and instead simply claim I am biased to deflect consideration of my comments, by your own petard you are hoist. I shall heretofore suitably discount and ignore your rhetoric, as you have demonstrated it is without purpose other than self-aggrandizement, and therefore of null import to me, or anyone not riding your coattail.

Give credit where credit is due. It's that simple. Also, don't make false claims and expect to be credible. That you have indicated you will fail to do the former, and demonstrably do the latter renders you incredible, as in without credibility.

I'm done with this conversation, since I am not having it with someone that demonstrates any credibility.

Your word smithing is retarded

I... I can't resist.



There is a difference between stomping your feet and standing your moral ground.

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